They wanted to go with their family (2 adults and 2 children) to Italy for rest and shopping. But several travel agencies reported that we have "clean" passports and a high risk of refusal of a visa. Although, I work as deputy general director of the company, my husband is also working, younger children (3 and 4 years) go to the garden. The truth about the older children I did not say, but my son is studying at the 2 year medical institute, and the second daughter of preschool age. From the work of the certificate there are, on the card the corresponding amount for shopping and rest.

BUT! The whole trouble is that we are from the Chechen Republic. We live in Moscow for 5 years, we are law-abiding citizens of Russia, nowhere we are registered.

How should we be? Help me please!

Responds Elena Pekhova, ClickVoyage company
Yes, the risk of failure is 99%. Since you have "clean" passports and you are residents of the Chechen Republic, still no regalia and merit in obtaining a Schengen visa are not affected. Visas are issued by the Italian consulate, and this is another state. that we can advise - to apply for a visa yourself, directly to the consulate. Register and file not through the agency. Tour book at the agency, and submit the documents yourself.
Answer Ekaterina Kulakova, Style Hunters agency
If you have everything in order with the documents, there are means in the bank, then problems with the visa should not arise. We had quite a lot of clients who went for shopping in Italy, although they had a residence permit in the Chechen Republic.
Answer Petrenko Hope, Russian Express Company
Unfortunately, so far there is a prejudice regarding the place of birth in the Caucasus.

In your case, you can make a trip only if there is insurance against non-refund, which will cover monetary losses in case of refusal of visa.

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