I'm running out of a Schengen visa on April 29, 2014. Up to what date can I leave for Europe? Can I fly to Italy or France in the last days of April?

Responds Ivina Tverskaya, company «World of wanderings»
Your departure to Europe is possible for any number. The main thing is a return to the current visa by April 29.
Responds Russian Express company
If you have a multivisa, have days for a trip, then you can fly. But it is necessary to return to Russia before April 29.
Answer Elena Gordienko, ClickVoyage company
You can complete your trip until the expiration of the Schengen visa.

You can open a new visa before the expiration of the last one, but with the beginning of the validity period after the end of the previous visa.

Responds Elena Mercier, Alt Voyage company
By Schengen multivisa you can fly to any the Schengen countries. Entry is possible at any time, most importantly - departure from Europe should be no later than April 29, 14 inclusive.
Responds Anton Zverev, company Unex
You must leave the Schengen area before the visa expires.

February 21, 2014

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