Whatever program of independent travel by car you may have set yourself, it will be useful to read this memo as the general recommendations for the auto-journeys in Italy

. 1 Rental car . My advice -. Take the car only in large network companies . I had a case when the turbocharged engine of the car my friend rented in AVIS was bumping the car . The car was going, but - no acceleration, no more than 100 km / hour, it does not work . We got to the nearest bus station where we eliminated, as it turned out, an easy malfunction . But when I called to AVIS, I was called Ali two nearest town, where you can replace the car . Fortunately, not required, but the possibility to change the car to the nearest town soul warmed Buy . . card immediately have a stall at any airport, the so-called "Edikola" . Edicola is a tobacco shop + paper trays + every little thing . There are also sold cards .

2 . Credit cards . And to take a car and book a hotel on the Internet by yourself, you can not by any credit card . Ask your bank if your card allows you to book remotely, whether there is a possibility of holding (this time Goes retention of funds to fulfill its obligations by you - Arrival at the hotel, car rental ...) . In any case, tie the card to a separate account with a moderate amount from three to five thousand EUR . It will save you from a fraudulent withdrawal of large sums , if you suddenly use this card not in the safest stores and restaurants .

3. Navigator. Today, the price-quality ratio of navigators is such that I would advise it to have even a week-long autotravel. Take care only that the electronic map of Italy is loaded. These files can be searched and downloaded on the Internet

4 . Telepass . This device, which is attached to the windshield and automatically causes the opening of the motorway barriers . I do not know if tourists have the opportunity to buy a telepass in Italy . At least my telepass is tied to my checking account, and I ordered this service at the bank . But even if there is such a possibility, the game is not worth the candle: you will use a paid number of times - rarely more times in the day . That is, do not bother, although for Italy ev, which travel often, this thing is convenient . The main thing do not enter the motorway and do not leave it at the exit where the letter "T" is drawn on a wide yellow signboard . Take a ticket or pay there nowhere . You'll have to "back off" "Which will cause inconvenience to those who are behind you .

5 . Paid freeways - how to enter and how to pay . The site of a public-private company that operates motorways - www . autostrade . it . There is a version in English . There are green signs to the motorway entrances . When you approach the motorway, choose the right entrance . and small entrances (up to two gates) at any barrier there are machines for getting a coupon . Immediately choose a place in the car where you will always put a coupon and do not lose it . Ideally, if you leave without a coupon, the cashier will be obliged from you to be charged according to the tariff as if you entered the farthest point of Italy regarding the place from which you leave the motorway . It is often around 100 EUR . Sometimes even up to 180 . But if you lost, say: "Sono turisto, about person il bilietto" . Easily can also forgive, if you call the point of entry . So, you drive up to orotam, where the ticket is drawn, stop closer to the machine, pull out the cardboard ticket and enter . Need to quickly navigate - to you to the right or to the left . To choose the right path at first is not easy: you will not always be clear at first, in the direction, say, to Ancona or to Bologna to go . But more on this later . So, you reached your exit from the freeway . We need to remember two things: a coupon and the right gate . When there are many barriers, you often get one or more only for telepath owners or special th card . Your congresses are where the hand or coins are shown: that is where you can pay . If the hand, then give the ticket to the cashier, and the monitor in front of you will show how much from you . Pay . If you arrived at the payment machine, then first insert the ticket, the machine will "swallow" it and show how much it cost to travel along the freeway . Put coins in the tray or insert bills . The delivery tray will be thrown into the lower tray and the barrier will be opened . Take the change and leave .

6 . Stop to think .When you have entered the freeway and do not know whether to turn left or right, turn on the crash and drive up to the fork until it stops . Allow the cars to go around on both sides . Take the map and sort out . Usually directions are indicated by large cities in the district up to 300 km . There are exceptions: the southernmost and northern points of the country begin to appear on the signs for more than 500 km . Do not rush: there is nowhere to turn on the motorway - you will have to move out and undergo the procedure again . Have you chosen? Neatly enter, replacing the emergency gang signal to turn .

7 types . . on toll motorways is a comfortable area for cars and people drive up to the first . . bar Put the machine on a markup . Not at each refueling on the motorway there is a full dining room, but on each - a toilet, a shop, a bar where beverages are sold and so-called panini (sandwiches) . Examples of networks of bars on motorways: www . autogrill . com, www . finigrill . com . The bar is always closer to the entrance to such an auto zone, and the refueling is closer to departure, so first the coffee, then the fuel . Proby s need to check the box office, calling what you want, and so take a pen and paper and write down the names to showcase their wishes . Leaf can show the cashier not to experience difficulties with the pronunciation of the names of your order . When the pay check, come first to the seller of sandwiches, he will give you the order, then the same check will show the bartender, who is engaged in a drink . Cafe normals from the Italians - the most that neither is a vigorous espresso . Pour a little, but very strong . Just over diluted - cafe lungo . Cappuccino to you, O f course, familiar . recommend taking in the bars on motorways freshly squeezed orange juice . It is called "spremuta" . Especially set: coffee + + spremuta cake or a sandwich are always cheaper than ordering individually .

8 . Refueling . There are two ways to refuel on toll roads: "Fai da te! "(According to our" do it yourself ") and" Servito "- they will take care of you . I recommend" Servito "- the difference in the price for fuel is very small, and it is possible not to leave the car . It's easier to fill up to the full, for this is enough to say "pieno", which means "full" (tank) . Only clearly name what to fill . Or "la benzina" (it's "gasoline normal" or "gasoline senza pyembo", which means " without lead ") .Or "diesel" - speak as in Russia "diesel" . It will turn out so "petrol is normal" or "diesel is drunk" . On quality and grades of gasoline it is possible to not think . Tipping is not necessary, but to one EUR the tanker will be happy and wish a happy journey .

9. When refueling, clean the windshield (at high speed the mosses are dirty). Usually near each machine there are buckets with washing liquid and half-brushes - half-mops. If you are not too lazy to learn Italian "the consumption of the ball of parabrezza? "(Could you clean the windshield?), The refueler will fulfill the request. Want to warm up - wash the solution yourself

10 . Speed ​​on the toll motorway . The rules stipulate an upper limit of 130 km / h . But often, especially when repairing roads, there are more strict restrictions . On the roads there is enough radars are tightly installed, and the excess is fraught with a fine, which, incidentally, is difficult to pay from Russia technically . But if the car is rented, the penalty will be written off from your credit card . Local know where the radars are installed, and often exceed the speed in those areas , that they seem to be safe . However, on many highways there are already systems that analyze the entire flow of traffic . If the machine could not, at the prescribed speed limit, be at this point, an excess penalty will come, even if the radar does not detect a direct violation . Judicial the precedent reinforced this practice and apparently the widespread introduction of such control is the matter of the next few years .

11 . Traffic regulations in Italy . Although theoretically the rules are almost the same, there are nuances in driving practice . But first about one significant difference . In Russia and for some reason the priority right has a person entering the circular movement . In Italy, the rotunda is almost always treated as a crossroads, and the one who is on the circle . has priority. Thus, at the entrance to the rotunda there is almost always a sign "give way" . And that's right: rotundas are common, and in many places they have replaced traffic lights because of convenience . The rest is like in Russia, BUT! In Italy, in fact, you can not overtake to the right - no one expects such overtaking, and even when they are rebuilt to the right mirror they do not even look. . You can not go on the roadside behind a continuous strip: this is a serious violation - in this strip the police or the ambulance arrive really fast, say , to the place of the accident . You can not detain the left row: someone immediately behind will press in an emergency tightly, and will demand to leave to the right . And, of course, it is necessary to pass pedestrians .

12 . Speed ​​measurements on a dirt road . Cops in bushes do not hide, but sometimes all the same on the chase is caught . The basis for compelling speed compliance is automatic radars . In recent years, in many villages, especially in front of schools, radar-traffic light systems are being installed . Permissible speed in Italian settlements is 50 km / h . If you drive through the village beyond 100 meters after the radar you will be met by a red traffic signal . No penalties, no sanctions, just stand for half a minute, and next time you go slower . I think in the coming years these systems will become ubiquitous: today it is inexpensive, and Even the food is made from solar batteries .

13 . Police bribe . Upasi you god try to "settle the matter on the spot" . I heard that in the south of the country this still happens, but even there such the kind of corruption comes to naught . The policeman will simply be obliged to arrest you while trying to bribe him . Therefore, if you get caught talking, say in traffic on the phone or without wearing a seat belt, be ready to show documents, spend 15 minutes to fill protocols, and pay an official fine . Plus one EUR for postal services for sending - that's exactly this one EUR the policeman takes without a receipt . By the way, not everywhere . Why - I do not know .

14 . Refuel without refueling agent . Almost on all roads except for toll motorways , there are a lot of small gas stations without personnel . And on Saturday and Sunday even the majority of large fuel stations work only in automatic mode .Then approach the column (note the type of fuel - gasoline / diesel), remember the number of the column, go to the payment terminal, place a note (I advise, especially the first time not more than 20 euros), you see that the terminal recognized (it will be indicated "credito 20 euro ", Choose the column number at the terminal from which you will refuel, and only then take off the refueling gun and refuel .

15 . Parking .In tourist areas in the season, parking is usually not easy . Ask where the parking is needed: "SLC, trust park? ». Italians are friendly - they will prompt . If the parking is in the premises, the payment usually happens this way: at the entrance, to open the barrier, you need to press the button and get a ticket . Save it, and when you pick up the car, give it in cash desk . Talent "rolled", after which you will have 15 minutes to leave . On the road, put it in the machine, the barrier will be opened . Outdoor parkings have a blue markup . Parked and look for the parking . Here is a trifle very necessary: ​​throwing a coin for a coin, you see on the screen, Noah time . Then press the Home button and the check that had fallen, put inside the machines to paid time it was easy to see through the windshield .

16. No entry. In addition to the usual "brick", there is a limiting sign with an inscription something like "Zona traffico limitato" (restricted traffic zone). Often, the time is specified when such entry is prohibited. Especially it is expensive to violate this sign in popular tourist areas: such fines really come.

I wish you a pleasant autotravel in Italy!