Italian cuisine appears before us in all its diversity. An interesting fact is that in different parts of the country traditions and recipes for cooking differ from each other.

The northern region has always been famous for cattle breeding and the main products that people used for food - butter, milk, meat (meat is usually served in whole pieces, and minced meat is used to make sauce). The South provided a good harvest of fruits and vegetables, grass was grown here, which were then added to the food. The inhabitants of the south enjoy eating lobster, shrimp, lobster, shellfish, cuttlefish.

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How to Eat Well $ ±

On average, lunch in Italy is not in the most expensive restaurant for two with wine will cost 40-50 EUR. Budget options: takeaway food or tourist menu - business lunch in Italian. It costs around 15 EUR; it includes the first or salad, the second dish, dessert and a drink (beer or wine, tea or coffee, etc.)

It's funny that the Italians have a completely different idea of ​​the "first". If for us the first dish is necessarily soup, yes povaristej, at them it, as a rule, paste or risotto. That is, having eaten a salad and a plate of nourishing paste, be kind enough to leave a place for the second - some not the smallest piece of meat with vegetables.


Although it sounds strange, but the Italians eat soups for dinner. The most popular soup - "minestrone" - has in its composition a total of 7: types of meat, vegetables and seasonings. Also the most simple, but for some reason very tasty vegetable soup is distributed. The main thing is not to lose with the restaurant: somewhere it can be "cooked" from a pack of frozen vegetables, and somewhere from the freshest (only from the garden) vegetables, with the addition of all the necessary condiments.

It was the Italians who first began to boil the flour mixture in salt water, as a result of which there appeared so loved macaroni.


It was the Italians who first began to boil the flour mixture in salt water, as a result of which there appeared so loved macaroni. Experiment with this product the inhabitants of Italy do not cease to this day, adding vegetables, various cheeses and aromatic spices. Many believe that the cuisine of Italy is very caloric, because flour is used everywhere, but this is not so, the flour is used exclusively for rough grinding, which favorably affects digestion and shape.

Macaroni are completely different:

  • capellini: long, rounded and very thin
  • spaghetti: the most popular pasta in the world, long, roundish, medium thickness (pasta "Bolognese" is prepared exactly with them)
  • fetuchchine (fetuchchini): long and flat ribbons (they can be tried in "Carbonara")
  • lasagna (yes, it's also pasta, but more about lasagna - below)
  • tortellinni: small stuffed dumplings from a pasta
  • ravioli: square ravioli from pasta are very similar to Russian dumplings with different fillings (can be as a second course: with meat, cheese, potatoes, shrimps, and dessert with jam, berries, fruits, jam).

and many, many others!

Lasagna - concentrated in its composition several layers, impregnated with tomato sauce, dough, in each layer of which is added meat, cheese and bechamel (sauce based on py (a mixture of flour and fat) and milk.)

By the way, pasta will also be a good souvenir from Italy. They can be bought in any supermarket, and they cost around EUR 3 per pack.

Pancake Fairy Tale, Rimini, Italy Italian Food
Seafood dish, Alassiohttp: // export = view & id = 1IdFwM58vSIg4cNW50xIayqJQXjkdedLd Italian Food
Sea Italian reptiles
The taste of Italyhttp: // export = view & id = 1kolrwoQuF6MjslxLX65fb34pgyl-RF6B Italian Food
Bread and oil
Local dish Val di Fiemme.jpeg Italian Food
Traditional dish Val di Fiemme
Local cuisine Alassiohttp: // export = view & id = 10mqUMg56NBrmvqjlV0WbuXrc9TOuBGKv Italian Food
Something very well tasty
Lasagna, Pesaro Italian Food
Meat in Rimini, Italy Italian Food
Famous prosciutto
Sea urchins, Apulia, Italy Italian Food
Sea urchins


Nowhere and never will you taste such a juicy and delicious pizza, as in Italy. Cakes from dough are supplied to everyone that gets under the arm and acquire a unique taste. Margarita, Pepperoni, Mason, Go-go, Napolitana and other types of pizza you can enjoy in her homeland. Pizza every year improved, cooks are not afraid to conduct experiments on non-combining, it seemed, with each other products. There are pizza Italians advise hot, for it is fragrant with such fragrances that you will not find in the cooled down.

To advise here it is useless, it is necessary to try! You can only select a few standard (which exactly like) the species. For example, Capresa will be liked by those who prefer light cuisine: there is no meat, only fresh tomatoes, fragrant oregano and mozzarela. But almost every "meat" pizza here necessarily add jerky (something like a Spanish jamon) - no less tasty combination.

Italians themselves prefer to intercept pizza "on the go." A large piece of "take-away" costs about 2 EUR, sometimes it is made of something like shawarma: they cut and put two identical pieces of stuffing into each other. Serve in a bag with a napkin, whence it is necessary to gnaw it. Very tasty.

Cold snacks

Particular importance is given to all sorts of salads, and most importantly, that they are filled only with healthy olive oil.

Stuffed ham with onions, cheese, greens, margarine, meat broth and spices, a very exotic dish, with no less exotic name - "Chipole ripyene".

Cheese in the country is given special importance, it is used in almost any dish. Italians prefer parmesan (added to pasta, omelettes), mozzarella (without it there is not a single pizza) and gorgonzole (used for making sauces).


Desserts in Italy are mostly made up of fruits. Also worth trying delicious Italian cookies and tiramisu cake.

Italian ice cream is a separate "song" .This is the right ice cream to be cooked at home: therefore, in different ice cream cafes, the taste and color, for example, of pistachio can be very different .Ice cream is put in horns, and just in cups - the cost of this practically does not change .The smallest portion ("piccolo") costs around 1, 5 EUR and includes two balls .The cost of ice cream "grande" (sometimes it is so "grand" that it is worth to estimate in advance how hungry you are) comes to 4 EUR, there are put about 4 balls (not the scrawny ball that we sometimes buy in Russia, but a healthy " »Ice cream) .There are also dimensions: "medium" and "extra grande" (beware, it can weigh 400 grams) .We can not ignore the sorts of ice cream: all types of walnut (walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, peanuts), fruit, chocolate (cocoa, bitter, milk, white), coffee (cappuccino, coffee), creme brulee ... To all this splendor add horns with chocolate-nut "sprinkle" or whipped cream at the request of the customer .

In Palermo (Sicily), and at all they eat for breakfast. This you will not try anywhere else: for about 2, 5 EUR there give an espresso and a roll with ice cream (just a loaf).


During the dinner, the Italians allow themselves to relax and consume wine. The most popular brands are "classics", "marsala" and "chianti". Sparkling wines Catizze and Prosecco are suitable for a quiet and romantic dinner. No less popular here is a liqueur with an almost imperceptible almond bitterness - Amaretto.

Good wine can be bought even in the simplest supermarket. The cost ranges from 3-4 EUR.

From strong drinks Italians prefer "limoncello" (40-45 °, something like vodka on lemon, there is another 22 ° analogue of liquor) and grappa (on grapes, but sometimes with other flavors: apricot, cherry, ) A good grappa will cost around EUR 15.

Believe me, even in the worst cafe in any city in Italy, espresso will be better than in 99% of Russian restaurants. In this country there is simply no bad coffee.


And, of course, we can not fail to mention Italian coffee. Believe me, even in the worst cafe in any city, espresso will be better than in 99% of Russian restaurants. In Italy, there is simply no bad coffee.

At breakfast they prefer to drink cappuccino (for some reason it is considered a bad taste to order this drink after 12:00 noon) or espresso, which is so strong here that often served with a glass of water. Also, Italians do not have the habit to savor or long to drink espresso - they usually "swallow" it for a couple of seconds and then run on business. Latte (coffee with milk), mocciato and dozens of other varieties are also popular here, which are definitely worth a try.

Note: drinking coffee at the counter will cost several times cheaper than at the table. For example, a cup of espresso at the counter will cost you 1 EUR, while your squat companion will pay at least 2, 5 EUR for it.

Bon Appetit!