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Academy Gallery

Venezia, Campo della Carita, 1050

Museums of Italy The Gallery of the Academy or, as it is also called, the Museum of the Academy is perhaps one of the main attractions of Venice. Almost all tourists who visit this Italian city try to get here.

Uffizi Gallery

Florence, Piazzale degli Uffizi

Museums of Italy The Uffizi Gallery is one of the favorite places for tourists, often there are mind-blowing queues at the entrance, but they should be defended in order to see for their own eyes the unique architecture of the museum, and most importantly, the unique canvases of the most outstanding artists of the world collected in it.

Doge's Palace

Venezia, Piazza San Marco, 1

Museums of Italy For many centuries the Palazzo Ducale (he de Doge's Palace) served as the residence of the Venetian government, managed to visit the councils of the republic, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the Ministry and even the secret police.

Juliet's House

Verona, Via Cappello, 17

Museums of Italy Juliet's house of the 13th century, which in fact belonged to the Capello family, is the main attraction of tourists. To get into the garden, to the balcony of Juliet, you can through the arch, entirely covered with the confessions of lovers - it's a good tradition to leave your autographs in the arch.

Royal Cattolica Museum

Via Pascoli, 23 - 47841 Cattolica (RN)

Museums of Italy In one of the oldest buildings in Cattolica - the former Pilgrim Hospital (built in 1584, the name is explained by the location of the pilgrims on their way to Rome) - the Royal Museum (Museo della Regina) is located. The hospital was used for the purpose until 1839, until it turned into barracks of the Papal Carabinieri.

Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci

Via San Vittore 21, Milano

Museums of Italy Without a doubt, one of the most unusual and cognitive among the Milanese museums is the Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology. It is located in the building of an ancient monastery, has a huge number of exhibition pavilions and exposition in the open air.

Vatican Museum Complex

Roma, Viale Vaticano

Museums of Italy The Vatican Museum Complex is rightly considered to be one of the largest historical and art museums in the world. Here, along with the subjects of ancient Egyptian art, contemporary works are represented. In total there are about two dozen museums and museum halls on the territory of the Vatican.

Palazzo Pitti

Florence, Piazza Pitti 1

Museums of Italy Palazzo Pitti is the largest palace and one of the largest museum complexes in Florence.

Sistine Chapel

Viale Vaticano

Museums of Italy Sistine Chapel in the Vatican - one of the most famous and popular among tourists around the world, a monument of culture and history. Externally, the building, honestly, looks rather modest, however, being inside the room, you can lose the gift of speech from the beauty around you.

Archaeological Museum of Verona

Verona, Regaste Redentore, 2

Museums of Italy The archaeological museum was opened in 1923 in the premises of the old monastery of St. Gerolamo, on a hill with a wonderful view of the stone bridge and the city. The museum displays finds from all over Verona and nearby territories - mosaics, statues, tablets, ceramic and bronze objects.

Archaeological Museum of Naples

Piazza Museo, 19, 80135 Napoli

Museums of Italy No less interesting place to visit is the National Archaeological Museum of Naples. It is in it that "most of the archaeological finds from Pompeii and Herculaneum" settle ", there are also several expositions that reconstruct certain structures of ancient cities. The first floor of the museum is completely occupied with a collection of antique sculpture, and on the second there are several rooms dedicated to the history of Naples itself.

Vatican Library

Roma, Cortile del Belvedere, 00120

Museums of Italy The Apostolic Library in the Vatican is a repository of manuscripts, manuscripts, books of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The library was founded in the 15th century, and its foundation is being replenished to this day. According to legend, in the main repository of knowledge of the Catholic Church there are secret rooms, which are known only to the initiated.

Villa Borghese

Roma, Viale delle Belli Arti, 131

Museums of Italy Villa Borghese is an amazing landscape park, located north of the center of Rome. The picturesque palazzo, built in the 17th century by the owner of the red cap - Cardinal Camillo Borghese, is today a favorite place for walking people and guests of Rome. The center of the villa is the Borghese Gallery.

Academy Gallery in Florence

Florence, Via Ricasoli 58-60

Museums of Italy The Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts is one of the most visited museums in Florence.

Ambrosian Gallery

Piazza Pio XI, 2, Milano

Museums of Italy The Amvrosian Art Gallery is considered to be the first Milan museum, since it was founded in the early 17th century in a luxurious archbishop palace. In the ancient halls there are paintings of such great meters as Raphael, Caravaggio, Titian, Leonardo da Vinci.

Borghese Gallery

Roma, Viale delle Belli Arti, 131

Museums of Italy The Art Gallery of Borghese is located in the middle of Villa Borghese, once belonged to the famous princely family. The foundations of the artistic collection were laid by Cardinal Shipione Borghese in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Brera Gallery

Via Brera, 28, Milano

Museums of Italy The picture gallery of Brera has so many canvases of outstanding masters, which is no longer in all Europe. This gallery was founded by Napoleon at the dawn of the XIX century, expropriating all the most valuable paintings by the monasteries.

Contemporary Art Gallery Forti

Verona, Mercato Vecchio, 6

Museums of Italy Gallery of Contemporary Art Forti was created according to the wishes of Achilles Forti, a botanist from an extremely wealthy family who left most of his private collection of art objects to the city. Over time, the collection expanded, mainly through private donations.

Zuckermann Palace

Padova, Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, 33

Museums of Italy Zuckermann Palace today is a museum of applied art in Padua. The museum exposition consists of more than two thousand exhibits. The museum is famous for the most interesting collections of ceramics (the oldest objects date back to the 15th century).

Egyptian Museum in Turin

Torino, Via Accademia delle Scienze, 6

Museums of Italy Egyptian Museum in Turin - the largest collection in Europe, fully dedicated to the culture of ancient Egypt. It can only be compared with the "thematic" museum in Cairo and the collection in the Louvre and Berlin. The museum was born because of the whim of the King of Sardinia, Charles Emmanuel III.

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The main "feature" of Italy's excursion, to which, like moths to the light of a lantern in the night, lovers of recreation flock with the benefit for the soul from all over the world - fantastic beauty and amazing filling of museums..Italy really is full of museums .Here literally that neither the building - the museum .Of course, most of them are concentrated in the largest cities: Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Venice, Florence .And of course, most of the museums are devoted to Italy's richest artistic heritage - few other lands were so generous to outstanding artists, sculptors and architects, like the Apennine Peninsula .So there is nothing surprising in that all 365 days of the year international tourists get into the museums of Italy - the Vatican complex and the Uffizi gallery, the Brera, Borghese and the Academy galleries, Palazzo Pitti and Vecchio, Raphael stanzas and many, many other $ ± .

In terms of historical and archaeological museums, Rome is again ahead of Italy all. It is no wonder, after all the history of the city totals more than 2700 years.

Fine Arts

Filled with Mediterranean sun paintings, literally living statues, scrupulously worked to the smallest detail, elegant items of glass, bronze, ceramics - all this magnificence exhibited in the fine arts museums of Italy. And as you have no doubt guessed, there are an absolute majority of such museum collections here.

Getting acquainted with the best museums is worth starting, perhaps, from the capital. The best of the best are conveniently concentrated in the territory of the Vatican mini-state: there are already 19 buildings with more than 1,500 exhibition spaces. This is the Chiaramonti Museum, the Pinakothek, the Vatican Library, the Belvedere, and the Sistine Chapel. By the way, it is a mistake to assume that only paintings covered with gray ages are exhibited here - in Vatican exhibition halls there are also enough modern works (of course, within the framework of politically correct themes).

One of the most ancient museums not only in Italy itself, but also in all of Europe, is in Florence - this is the Uffizi Gallery. Here is the most complete collection of works by Italian artists. Another pearl of the city is the San Marco Museum with an abundance of works by medieval artists, sculptors, architects.

In the exhibition halls of the Vatican there are enough modern works (of course, within the framework of politically correct themes).

History and archeology

On the part of historical and archaeological museums Rome again ahead of Italy the whole of .It is no wonder, after all the history of the city is more than 2700 years, during which Rome was repeatedly rebuilt, destroyed and again rebelled from the ashes .Point number one here - the luxurious Capitoline Museums, located on the same hill where the Italian capital was once founded .The richest collection of antique sculpture is exhibited in the National Roman Museum, and in the Vatican Library one can admire the magnificent collection of priceless manuscripts .

Florence, Venice, Milan also do not lag behind in the history museums. Palazzo Vecchio, for example, is not only a container of art objects, but also a magnificent building in itself, along which one can study the history of Italian architecture. Ancient Naples invites tourists to visit the National Archaeological Museum, and the "water" Venice boasts a remarkable museum of the history of the navy - as they say, first-hand!

Most of the Italian museums work all week, except Monday. Their doors are open from 8:30 to 19:00. The average ticket price is 5-15 EUR. The traditional action "Night of Museums" takes place in Italy every year in May.