Wadi Rum
Aqaba, Wadi Rum Wadi Rum is an amazing place, timeless and untouched by civilization. The wind and the sun have so strongly influenced the local landscape for thousands of years, resulting in unique cliffs, arches, canyons and wells.
Mountain Sky in Jordan
Mount Nebo The pride of Jordan, a holy place, a stunning corner of the earth, which is embodied in the Book of Books - the Bible, which became the alleged death site of the prophet Moses, and most importantly the place where God showed him the Promised Land.
Jerash Ancient Jerash, the second most popular tourist city, is located in a valley surrounded by wooded hills and fertile valleys. Today it is recognized as one of the best preserved provincial Roman cities in the world.
Kan Zaman
Amman, Kan Zaman Village, Airport Road 15 kms 12 km south of Amman, at the top of a hill, is the Kan Zaman - a restored complex of stables, warehouses and living quarters, which has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Amman.
The Dead Sea (Jordan)
Eastern coast of the Dead Sea Interesting features eastern part of the Dead Sea - waves. The fact is that this river is carrying the waters of the Jordan River, which flows into the Dead Sea just a few kilometers from the hotel zone.
PetraThe first and undoubtedly well-deserved place in the row of Jordanian sights is the legendary Petra - the ancient capital of the Nabataean kingdom, cut straight in the rocks over 2000 years ago. Petra was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and elected one of the new seven "wonders of the world."
Ruins of Herod the Great Palace
Mukawir An hour's drive along the picturesque "Road of Kings" from Madaba is Mukavir, the fortress of Herod the Great. It was here that he gave the order to decapitate John the Baptist at the request of Salome - as a reward for the dance she performed.
Here Jesus was baptized, here Moses saw the Promised Land, here he has died. Visiting the world's shrines, Jordan has the opportunity to stop time, sitting on the shore of the Red Sea or the Dead Sea, breathing in clean, iodine-smelling air, and think seriously about the eternal. About 20 thousand cultural monuments with roots from different centuries are in Jordan and attract people from all over the world who dream to see how biblical legends take on real contours in their eyes.
30 km from the city of Amman, the capital of Jordan, is located the ancient city of Madaba with partially surviving fragments of roads and buildings, countless mosaics that adorn it for thousands of years. Just next to Madaba is another sacred biblical place - Mount Nebo, from where the prophet Moses saw the Promised Land, and here he was buried.
Not far from Amman is the most iconic landmark of the country - the city of Petra, the capital of the ancient Nabataean kingdom, recently ranked among the Wonders of the World. At 900 meters above the sea level, the city-fortress, carved in the rock, the history of which totals four millennia, rises above the sea level. Petra still keeps ancient halls and amphitheatres, temples and houses, winding cobbled streets and steep staircases from the most ancient times.
The ancient city of Jerash, one of the Roman cities, enjoys no less popular among tourists, which is the best preserved for today its original appearance: however, it is possible to "thank" for this an earthquake that buried its structures under a sand blanket.
One of the greatest natural monuments of Jordan is the Wadi Rum desert. On its expanses, as if there is no time or space, like another galaxy, where the wind and the sun for centuries are building a unique world, and man only leaves in it ghostly tracks in the form of rock art. An amazing, nature-created world of sand and stone, faceted rocks, deep canyons and wells, graceful arches - all this contributed to the fact that Wadi Rum became part of UNESCO's World Heritage.
Belongs to Jordan and one shore of the famous salt lake, in which the person who does not even know how to swim freezes in weightlessness - the Dead Sea .The water of this wonderful reservoir, lying 400 m below sea level, is rich in many minerals, and the salts contained in it give it a miraculous healing power .At the Dead Sea resorts are treated for a variety of ailments: among them, many of the skin and respiratory diseases, joint diseases .Almost the whole year the sun shines here, and the air is dry and very clean, saturated with bromine and smelling of salt, filtering ultraviolet rays and making rest in these places bright, relaxed and giving a new life .