The center of gravity of the followers of three world religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the Holy Land today, like a millennium ago, attracts numerous pilgrims wishing to worship sacred places for them..It is here that the roots of modern civilization lie - in the religious and in the historical sense .In the hot lands of the Middle East man learned to sow grain and harvest, domesticated animals, invented tools, smeared the first piece of glass and invented the writing .Finally, it was here that he thought about the meaning of his earthly existence and believed - first in the mysterious and inconceivable higher powers, then - in one God .Perhaps there is no region on the planet that is more saturated with religious, primarily biblical, monuments: from the place of fratricidal discord between Cain and Abel in the Syrian Saydnaya and the construction of Noah's Ark in Israeli Jaffa to a multitude of places connected with the earthly life of Jesus Christ, its crucifixion and resurrection , the sermons of the apostles, the lives of martyrs and saints .

Pilgrimages to Jordan
Pilgrim Center of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra
Pilgrimage to the Orthodox shrines of Russia, the Holy Land, the Holy Mount Athos, Greece and Italy, Serbia and Montenegro, France, Germany, Georgia, the CIS countries. All groups are accompanied by a clergyman and an Orthodox guide. It is possible to develop individual programs.
(495) 587-72-62 (Moscow time), (496) 541-56-78 (Posad) •
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Pilgrim tours to the Holy Land give believers food for the spirit, an opportunity to join the origins of our common history, to reject the vain and to plunge into the eternal $ $ .It is not surprising that such religious trips are gaining popularity in recent times: in our eternally fleeing world it is so important to make a pause at some point and turn to the eternal $ ±.Another clear trend of recent years is the "rejuvenation" of pilgrims and the expansion of their "social cut": families and children, young couples and older people go on trips, while the range of professions is from ordinary managers to the top people of large corporations .

So, what are the religious tours of the Holy Land today, what kinds of programs are offered and what do you need to know when you go on a pilgrimage trip?

Going on a pilgrimage trip, it is important to remember that this is a very special kind of travel, which differs markedly from the usual entertaining tourism. Briefly, on vacation - they look, on pilgrimage - feel.

What is the Holy Land?

The Holy Land is considered to be the territory in the Middle East, located between the Mediterranean and Red Seas, the environs of Lake Kinneret, the Dead Sea and the Jordan River .The meaning of this name is the most direct: here there were significant events that actually laid the foundation for the three religions of monotheism .For Christians, this is the earthly home of the Savior .The Annunciation, the Savior of the Lord, the Baptism of Jesus, his appearance in the light of the Transfiguration occurred here .On this earth, the ways of Christ were running, his sermons were sounded here, his great miracles were performed, the Last Supper was held .In these places, the Savior was betrayed by Judas, suffered suffering, crossed the way to Calvary and was crucified on the cross .Here the Resurrection of Christ took place and the Savior's ascension to Heaven, the descent of the Holy Spirit to the apostles, the life of the Mother of God and her glorious Assumption .

In the time of the prophets, the Holy Land was a single space - ancient Palestine, which knew no borders and visa formalities. Today, pilgrims have to cross the borders of several states: most of the holy places are on the territory of Israel (to visit which, as you know, the visa is no longer required to Russians), the other attractions are distributed between Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

Of course, a large number of memorable places, famous monasteries and temples, shrines of saints and Christian relics are in other countries: what is at least the Greek Athos, the Italian Bari or the basilica of Constantinople, the city from which Orthodoxy came to the Russian land? br>.However, "to come to the roots" is only possible in Palestine .It should be noted that at the border points, and actually in holy places, regardless of whether they are on the territory of the Muslim or Jewish state, the pilgrims always have a special, careful and respectful attitude - in the face of the eternal even the iron-bureaucratic obstacles lose their power ±​​$ The .

In view of the huge number of shrines and memorable places to visit them all during one trip, of course, it is impossible .Those who make pilgrimages for the first time in 99% of cases choose to visit the most important Christian places in Israel; the shrines of Lebanon and Syria are more interesting for "advanced" pilgrims .Jordan and Egypt often go "bundled" with Israel .Visiting the sacred places for pilgrims is extremely simplified, and it's easy and convenient to travel: Sinaia can be quickly reached by a sightseeing bus, and Jordan is completely visible from the Israeli bank of the Jordan River - $ .

Beauty of Petra

Holy places

About the holy places of Israel has already said so much that it would be unreasonable to repeat within the framework of a small article .So this time we decided to focus on Jordan .This country is famous for many biblical events: it was here that John the Baptist lived and preached, announcing the imminent arrival of Jesus Christ and the birth of a new faith..It happened in a place called Bethany, known for many biblical, Byzantine and medieval texts .Today, archaeological excavations are conducted here, and the artifacts found confirm the richest and ancient history of this land..Among other things, Bethany is one of the first pilgrim stops of early Christians who came here on a pilgrimage already in the 1-2 centuries,.e .A biblical tradition about how the prophet Elijah ascended in the chariot into the sky in a radiant whirlwind (the mountain on which this event took place, is called Tel-Mar-Ilyas - "Hill of the Prophet Elijah") is connected with this locality .

Mount Nebo, or Sky - Another Biblical Place $ $ .It is associated with several events .First, it was from here, with a windswept hill, towering above the Jericho Valley and the Dead Sea, the Lord showed Moses the Promised Land, the land of Canaan, to which he was never destined to set foot $ ±.Secondly, on Mount Nebo, the prophet Jeremiah concealed the Ark of the Covenant by divine revelation, the Tabernacle and the incense altar .Today, on the summit of Nevo, pilgrims visit the basilica of the 5th-6th centuries, some of the stones in the masonry of which are still preserved from the original temple erected to perpetuate the memory of Moses..And before the basilica is the symbolic staff of the forefather - a metal construction in the form of a cross, wrapped in a snake .At the same time, this is a reminder of the crucifixion of Jesus .

The Anjar area is famous for the Church of Our Lady of the Mountain. This is a cave, recreated on the supposed site of the stopping of Christ with Mother Mary on the way from the shores of the Sea of ​​Galilee to Jerusalem. On the hill Mukavir once stood the fortress of Herod the Great Antipas. In his fortified palace on top was imprisoned, and then John the Baptist was beheaded. These four holy places were included by the Vatican in the commemorative pilgrimage route of 2000.

Thanks to a large number of shrines, pilgrimage programs to the Holy Land are very different. You can make pilgrimages there for several years in a row - and never see all the biblical places.

Speaking about Jordan's biblical places, we can not fail to mention the banks of the Jordan River and, in particular, the place where Jesus Christ was baptized .We will make a reservation at once: this is not a Jordanian "exclusive" - ​​on the opposite shore, in Israel, there is also a furnished swimming pool .According to pilgrims, the situation on the Jordanian coast is warmer and more relaxed, in Israeli - more strict and official (which is not surprising, since in this case a special permit is required to visit the baths) .Descending to the river along the stone steps, you can immerse yourself in the waters of the Jordan at the site of the Savior's baptism, or bathe your face in the baptismal font for babies .

In modern Umm-Qays, who in ancient times bore the name of Gadar, Jesus healed the demoniac. According to this biblical story, exiled demons moved into a herd of pigs, after which they rushed from the hill to the Sea of ​​Galilee and drowned. The ruins of a 5th century basilica of a rare architectural plan show that this place was revered as a sacred place since Byzantine times.

The capital of Jordan, Amman, is famous as the place of a memorable match between David and Goliath. And today there you can see massive fortifications where David (the ancestor of Christ) condemned Uriah to death to marry his widow of Bathsheba.

In Hirbat al-Wahadin, pilgrims visit the birthplace of the prophet Elijah, and in Essalta - the tomb of Job and the burial place of the sons of Jacob - Gad and Asher. In Pella, Jacob struggled with God, who took the form of a man, after which he received the name Israel. There is also the most well-preserved building of Old Testament times - a large-scale temple, dating from the time of construction to the bronze or iron centuries.

The southeastern part of the Dead Sea is the place where once stood, and then the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, and also the area connected with the life of the righteous Lot. And although disobedient to God, Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt, the saint himself and his two daughters were saved and taken refuge in a cave near the city of Sigor, the modern Safi. Later the Byzantines built a church and a monastery here for the glory of St. Lot.

The city of Umm-ar-Rasas is mentioned both in the Old and in the New Testament. It is famous for its mosaics in the Byzantine style, as well as the church of St. Stephen with a remarkably preserved mosaic floor.

Jordan, ancient Petra Pilgrimages to Jordan
Ancient Petra
Immersion in the waters of the Jordan Pilgrimages to Jordan
Immersion in the waters of the Jordan
View from the gorge to the palace of El Khaznahttp: // export = view & id = 1XYxOSuy408q-RibENTmSKCWKw_Gs22wG Pilgrimages to Jordan
View from the gorge to the palace of El Khazna

Being on a pilgrimage trip through Jordan, you should definitely visit the so-called Tsar's road, which is the world's oldest continuously functioning transport artery. Abraham, the common forefather of the Jews, Christians and Muslims, passed from this road, traveling from Mesopotamia to Canaan. The royal road is also mentioned in the more ancient tradition of Genesis, telling how four kings from the north went to Sodom, Gomorrah and three other cities in the valley.

You can not ignore the famous Madaba - the ancient Medeva, repeatedly mentioned in the biblical narratives of Moses and Exodus, the war of David against the Moabites, the prophecy of Isaiah about Moab and the rebellion of the Moabite king Mesa against Israel..In addition, Madaba is known for its amazing floor mosaics, the most outstanding of which is the mosaic map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land of the 6th Century .e ., which was preserved on the floor of the Orthodox Church of St. S $ .George .This ancient religious map of the Holy Land from those that in one form or another have survived to the present day .

The capital of the Nabataean kingdom, the rocky city of Petra, is also famous for the fact that in its vicinity, in the valley of Wadi Rum, according to legend, there is the source of Moses - the place where the prophet struck with a rod over the rock and water flowed from it .Among other things, it was Peter who almost certainly was the place of the last stop in front of Bethlehem of the three wise men who carried incense, gold and miracles to the baby Jesus - $ .And on Mount Jebel Harun, where the brother of Moses Aaron is buried, today not only the Christian church visited by Orthodox pilgrims, but also the Muslim mausoleum,.Such a wonderful mixture of religions!

Pilgrimage: what to expect?

Going on a pilgrimage trip, it is important to remember that this is a very special kind of travel, which differs markedly from the usual entertainment tourism .In short, on vacation - look, on pilgrimage - feel .Of course, ancient temples, many of which are masterpieces of architecture, richly decorated basilicas and cathedrals, majestic monasteries are also interesting for their "everyday" beauty, but the main thing for believers is the feeling of God's grace that pervades these places..In a word, one should tune in to the worship of shrines, prayer and worship, and not to admire the human genius who created such remarkable monuments (although this, of course, nobody canceled) .By the way, right up to the beginning of the 20th century pilgrims in Russia were called admirers, which, perhaps, more accurately expresses the essence of a religious trip .

In addition, you need to be prepared for a "basic" degree of comfort: hotels are offered mainly three-star, accommodation is usually 2-4 people in the room .In some cases, you can pay for a single accommodation, but this is not as common as on vacation..Food options - only breakfast (more often) and half board (less often) .Dinner pilgrims at their own expense .Also, personal expenses include ordering prayers for health and for rest in holy places - often a list of names is recommended to be made up at home and multiplied in several copies so as not to waste precious time on the route .

Pilgrim tours to the Holy Land give believers food for the spirit, an opportunity to join the origins of our common history, to reject the vain and to sink into the eternal.

When going on a pilgrimage, you need to understand that the pace of travel to holy places will be quite high .The usual duration of the tour is 8 days, during which its participants will visit a mass of shrines and memorable places that want to see groups from other countries..Therefore, on the route in no case be late, and to visit each holy place is given a strictly defined time .Those who wish to touch any particular, it is an important shrine and spend more time with her, it is better to order an individual tour .

Other recommendations to the pilgrims are comfortable shoes plus a spare pair, a sufficient number of non-ruffling clothes (there will not be time to iron and iron on the trip), suitable for visiting holy places - long enough and opaque, and a basic set of medicines "for all occasions."

How to choose a pilgrimage tour

Thanks to a large number of shrines, pilgrimage programs to the Holy Land are of a variety of .You can make pilgrimages there for several years in a row - and never see all the biblical places .Conventionally, the program of tours can be divided into routes "for beginners" and "for advanced" .The first included mainly the holy places of Israel - there is the highest "concentration" of spiritual attractions, which is at least one Jerusalem .Those who have already visited such tours usually choose more "highly specialized" routes: with a visit to Sinai, Lebanon monasteries, Aleppo and Homs temples in Syria .The shrines of Jordan, as a rule, are included in both basic and special routes .By the way, they differ by the fact that the "advanced" programs are usually designed for a smaller number of pilgrims - so you can touch the shrines in a calmer environment..

It is important to take into account that on the dates of religious holidays the demand for pilgrimage trips naturally increases. On the one hand, this is a great opportunity to meet Easter or Christmas at the source, on the other - the pillars of the shrines can not be avoided. Which is better - the personal choice of each pilgrim. As for the cost of pilgrimage tours to the Holy Land, it varies from 30 to 50 thousand rubles for routes designed for 8-11 days. Once again, we remind that pilgrims are waiting for a basic set of services and acceptable - but not more than that - the level of comfort.

In the final - a few words about the individual pilgrimage, when the believer goes on an independent trip to holy places .This has a direct meaning if the main goal of the pilgrim is to visit some "his" shrine (and, of course, if independent foreign trips are not new to him) .If the task of traveling is to bow to the biblical places of the Holy Land "in general," it is worthwhile to focus on the group tour .First, the group is accompanied by a professional guide (usually with a theological education) .Secondly, the "everyday" aspects of the tour - travel, accommodation, food provided by the organizers and, therefore, nothing distracts participants from becoming attached to the eternal $ $ .And finally, many agree that the atmosphere in the group of pilgrims is special: the joy of worshiping Holy Places, God's grace, mutual love and respect..

All articles on the theme "Pilgrimage Tours"
  • Geography of pilgrimage tours
  • History of Orthodox pilgrimage
  • Pilgrimage tours to Greece
  • Pilgrimage tours in Diveevo
  • Pilgrimage tours to Jerusalem
  • Pilgrimage tours to Italy
  • Pilgrimage tours from St. Petersburg
  • Pilgrimage tours to Athos - $
  • Pilgrimages to Jordan
  • Pilgrimage in Russia
  • Pilgrimage and religious tourism - similarities and differences
  • Pilgrimage to the Middle East
  • Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
  • On the holy places of Byzantium
  • Holy places of Europe
Pilgrimages to Jordan