Masai Mara

Maasai Mara National Reserve

 Attractions of Kenya On the expanses of Masai Mar you can find not only lions, leopards, buffalos, rhinoceroses, elephants, antelopes, giraffes, hippos and crocodiles, but also many other more rare animals. First of all, the reserve is famous for the annual migration of wildebeest, which takes place in September-October.



 Attractions of Kenya The largest and oldest of the national parks of Kenya, Tsavo occupies an area of ​​more than 20 thousand square meters. km. The park is inhabited by elephants, lions and other large cats, buffalo, antelope canna and impala, kudu, hippos and rhinoceroses, as well as many species of birds.


Aberdare National Park

 Attractions of Kenya The third largest (584 sq km) national park of Kenya Aberdare is among the top three Among the most visited nature reserves after the Masai Mara and Lake Nakuru. It is part of the 70 km long mountain chain that extends far beyond the boundaries of the park.


Amboseli, Kajiado

 Attractions of Kenya "Country of elephants under the banner of Kilimanjaro," Amboseli National Park covers an area of ​​400 square meters. km. The most notable local inhabitants are, of course, elephants, but apart from them the expanses of the park are very densely populated by zebras and antelopes, large cats, hyenas and many small mammals.


Watamu Marine National Park

 Attractions of Kenya In the territory of the Watamu Marine National Park there is a cozy resort of the same name - a suitable place for those who want to enjoy the peace and beauty of the ocean. At the very edge of the beaches are mangroves, where dozens of species of animals and birds live.

Mountain of Kenya

Mlima Kenya National Park

 Attractions of Kenya In the forest zone of the National Park of Mount Kenya, there are buffaloes, elephants, dukers (crested antelopes). Wildlife is best seen from the Mountain Lodge observation deck, built near the source.


Leopard Rock Lodge

 Attractions in Kenya Via Meru National Park (870 sq. km, located 348 km from the capital, slightly east of Mount Kenya) flows the largest Kenyan river Tana, in which hippopotamuses and crocodiles play, and most of the large African mammals live in the park.


Lake Naivasha

 Attractions of Kenya ATIONAL Naivasha Lake Park: a unique freshwater lake of volcanic origin located in the famous Naivasha African Rift Valley. Its area is constantly changing from 114 to 991 square meters. km depending on precipitation intensity


Lake Nakuru National Park

 Attractions of Kenya In fact, Nakuru is a whole system of lakes , which includes water bodies of varying degrees of salinity. The main inhabitant here, of course, is a small flamingo. Do you think that this bird has such a glamorous pink color of plumage? Because of the algae spirulina, which she eats on Lake Nakuru.

Speaking about the sights of the beautiful African country of Kenya, we, of course, first of all think of its unique natural resources: the savannas and whiteness of the snow on the mountain peaks, shining under the sun deserts and the mirror surface of lakes, amazing life on coral reefs and the diversity of flora and fauna on the expanses of this earth .Tourist infrastructure in the country is developing in giant steps, which makes Kenya more attractive for travelers from around the world..Indeed: little can compare with the local safari, and in recent years, mountain hikes, hot-air ballooning and scuba diving off the Indian Ocean coast have become increasingly popular..

Quite near the capital of Kenya, Nairobi, is the Nairobi National Park. Despite the fact that the territory of the park is not very large, the variety of animals inhabiting it is admirable. Here you can see in the natural habitat of giraffes and zebras, rhinoceroses and wildebeest. In addition, this is one of Kenya's most beautiful places.

A little further, 100 km, lies the world-famous Rift Valley - the zone of the East African rift fault, which is nowhere else to be found. This fantastic tectonic area with a lowered relief was formed in the stretch of the earth's crust with a width of several hundred kilometers. Restricted by faults, extinct volcanoes are everywhere, and in the recesses lie amazing lakes with a unique microclimate.

One of the most mysterious natural phenomena in the world is the Great Migration: an irresistible force of nature that drives tens of thousands of animals through the most famous Kenyan national park - Masai Mara.

Among the national parks of Kenya, undoubtedly, the most famous is the Masai Mara. Over 80 species of mammals and 450 species of birds live here on a vast territory. But first of all the reserve is famous for its huge lion prides and the annual Great Migration: an irresistible force of nature, driving tens of thousands of animals through these places. This spectacle is so impressive that it is considered one of the most mystical natural phenomena in the world.

In a small sanctuary at the foot of the extinct volcano Longonot, at an altitude of 1880 m above sea level, lies the sacred Masaev lake - Naivasha, home to over 340 species of birds and a large population of hippopotami. On the island of Crescent there is a rare African eagle. And in one of the most hidden corners of the country - near Lake Baringo - there are more than 400 species of birds and a lot of fish.

In general, many of Kenya's protected areas are located around lakes: National parks of the picturesque Lake Elmenite, or "Jade Sea" - Lake Turkana, considered one of the most saline lakes in the world, with the largest population of crocodiles in Kenya..And, of course, one can not ignore the National Park of the Nakuru Lake System, famous for Lake Nakuru Park with multimillion flocks of pink flamingos, the oldest rhinoceros kennel in Kenya and the Hirax Hill archaeological site - the site of excavations of early Neolithic settlements .

Among the most interesting national parks of Kenya, also include Tsavo, Aberdare, Amboseli, Watamu, Meru and many others.

Despite the fact that natural attractions are the main treasure of Kenya, there are interesting monuments created by the hands of man in this country. On the island of Lamu, an ancient Swahili settlement has survived, the cultural significance of which is enormous.

The former capital of Kenya Mombasa until 1906 is one of the oldest cities in Africa and the richest ports of the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries. Not far from Mombasa are the ruins of the ancient city of Gedi, which is dated to the 13th and 17th centuries. Here you can see the remains of the central city gate, the ruins of the palace and the foundation of the mosque. Surprisingly, the buildings were built from coral reefs brought from the ocean.

Kenyan cities are filled with beautiful temples and mosques, interesting museums, including the National Museum of Kenya and the Railway Museum, the mausoleum of Kenya's first president, Jomo Kenyatta, and many other interesting sights.