Masai Mara

Maasai Mara National Reserve

 National parks of Kenya On the expanses of the Masai Mara you can find not only lions, leopards, buffaloes, rhinoceroses, elephants, antelopes, giraffes, hippos and crocodiles, but also many other more rare animals. First of all, the reserve is famous for the annual migration of wildebeest, which takes place in September-October.



 National parks of Kenya The largest and oldest of the national parks of Kenya, Tsavo occupies an area of ​​more than 20 thousand square meters. km. The park is inhabited by elephants, lions and other large cats, buffalo, antelope canna and impala, kudu, hippos and rhinoceroses, as well as many species of birds.


Aberdare National Park

 Kenya National Parks The third largest (584 sq km) Kenya National Park Aberdare is included in the top three among the most visited nature reserves after the Masai Mara and Lake Nakuru. It is part of the 70 km long mountain chain that extends far beyond the boundaries of the park.


Amboseli, Kajiado

 National parks of Kenya "Country of elephants under the banner of Kilimanjaro," Amboseli National Park covers an area of ​​400 square meters. km. The most notable local inhabitants are, of course, elephants, but apart from them the expanses of the park are very densely populated by zebras and antelopes, large cats, hyenas and many small mammals.


Watamu Marine National Park

 National parks of Kenya In the territory of the Watamu Marine National Park there is a cozy resort of the same name - a suitable place for those who want to enjoy the peace and beauty of the ocean. At the very edge of the beaches are mangrove forests, in which dozens of species of animals and birds live.

Mount Kenya

Mlima Kenya National Park

Kenya National Parks In the forest zone of the National Park of Mount Kenya, there are buffaloes, elephants, dukers (crested antelopes). For wild animals, it's best to watch from the observation deck Mountain Lodge, built near the source.


Leopard Rock Lodge

Kenya National Parks Through the Meru National Park (870 sq. Km, located 348 km from the capital, slightly east of Mount Kenya), the largest Kenyan river Tana flows, in which hippopotamuses and crocodiles frolic, and in the park most of the large African mammals live.


Lake Naivasha

Kenya National Parks National Park of Lake Naivasha: a unique freshwater lake of volcanic origin of Naivasha is located in the famous valley of the African fault. Its area is constantly changing from 114 to 991 square meters. km depending on precipitation intensity.


Lake Nakuru National Park

Kenya National Parks In fact, Nakuru is a whole system of lakes, including water bodies of varying degrees of salinity. The main inhabitant here, of course, is a small flamingo. Do you think that this bird has such a glamorous pink color of plumage? Because of the algae spirulina, which she eats on Lake Nakuru.

One of the most remarkable sights of Kenya is its national parks, of which there are more than fifty, many of which are world famous.

National parks and reserves occupy a total of almost 8% of the country. The African fauna here breeds and multiplies in all its diversity, the flora - blooms in riotous colors, and endangered species are carefully preserved.

However, tourists are also remembered here: comfortable bungalows and lodges are built for them, safaris are regularly held.

The most famous Kenyan national park - Masai Mara with an area of ​​more than 1,500 km, is best known for its lions, which are home to a huge number. There is also a trail of annual migration of wildebeest, a million herds of which are sent to the north behind the fresh greenery in July, and fall back in the fall. The park covers 80 mammal species and approximately 450 bird species.

Imagine the African flora and fauna most approximate to reality can be by visiting the Amboseli reserve at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro.

The largest and oldest in Kenya, the Tsavo National Park stretches between Nairobi and Mombasa for 20,000 kilometers. It consists of two parts, East and West. The eastern Tsavo is famous for its many red elephants, while the Western Tsavo is famous for its eruptions of reliefs and landscapes. The Mzima springs live in huge quantities in the Tsavo sources of Mzima, parks are inhabited by zebras, giraffes, gazelles, buffaloes, antelopes, monkeys and different kinds of birds.

Imagine the African flora and fauna is the closest you can to reality by visiting the Amboseli reserve at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. Lions and elephants, leopards, buffaloes and rhinoceroses live here, and walking walks are allowed, allowing them to feel close to wild animals. Another popular and most visited by the tourists is the national parks of Kenya - Aberdare. The climate here is very humid and often there are heavy rains, thanks to which in Aberdara fabulous rainforests grow. From high and graceful rocks fall sparkling waterfalls, and on the ground roam buffalo, rhinoceroses, antelopes, elephants, leopards and all sorts of monkeys.

In the Mount Kenya National Park there is a special viewing platform, which allows watching the life of wild animals in all its glory. The park is located on the slopes of Mount Kenya and with a change in altitude, the vegetation is surprisingly and interestingly changing, striking in its diversity: in Mount Kenya you can see olive and cedar trees, ferns, lianas and even huge bamboo. The dense forest hides on its open spaces a lot of animals - both herbivorous and dangerous predators, including even lions and leopards.

Nearby is the Meru National Park, especially beautiful because it is almost untouched by human hands, thereby allowing you to feel the proximity of pristine African nature. In the park you can see gazelles and giraffes, in the Tana River, hippos and crocodiles splash.

In the territory of the Meru National Park, the nomad tribe Samburu lives, one of the last in the whole of Africa.