Druskininkai, 130 km south of Vilnius, is Lithuania's oldest and largest resort, famous for its mineral springs, healing muds, clean air and nature..From the 19th century Druskininkai was considered the most popular and luxurious resort in the Baltics .During the USSR there were sanatoriums where "Soviet cream" rested, in the 90s the resort was covered with dust, aged and snyk .However, recently Druskininkai decided to restore its former glory by building an excellent water park, improving the infrastructure and updating its hotels .Today here you can spend a chic wellness weekend for a very sane money .

Map of Druskininkai
The information offices of Druskininkaya are located at: $ $

  • Gardino str. 3, phone: (+370 313) 60800, 60803, opening hours: Mon-Fri 8: 30-17: 15
  • Čiurlionio str. 65, (+370 313) 51777, opening hours: Mon-Sun 10: 00-18: 45 ą $


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime -3 -1 + 4 + 11 + 18 + 21 + 22 + 22 + 17 + 11 + 4 + 0
night -9 -8 -4 + 2 + 7 + 11 + 12 + 12 + 8 + 4 -1 -5

How to get

Here you can get around Vilnius in about two hours by bus. Departure from the bus station (Gardino gatvė 1) 10 times a day, the fare is about 20Lt. Also in Druskininkai seven buses a day from Kaunas (19Lt, from 2 to 3 hours), one from Palanga (46.50Lt), one from Panevezys and Siauliai (39Lt) come.

  • How to get from Druskininkai to Krakow
  • How it is convenient to get from Palanga to Druskininkai

Search for air tickets to Vilnius (the nearest airport to Druskininkai) is

Treatment in Druskininkai

The resort treats diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, digestive tract, peripheral nervous system and respiratory tract, gynecological diseases, metabolic disorders (including obesity and diabetes mellitus). At the same time, the prices for treatment here are advantageously different from European ones.

The therapeutic base of the resort is chloride sodium-calcium water (used for baths and drinking), therapeutic peat and sapropel. In addition, pearl, carbon dioxide, iodide-bromine and turpentine baths, baths with medicinal herbs, underwater shower massage, vertical baths, therapeutic mud applications, galvanic mud, curative gymnastics in the pool or hall, therapeutic oxygen cocktails, massage and psychotherapy are used here. ±​​$ The

Read more about Druskininkai sanatoria.
Water Park

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing

The Museum of the artist and composer MK Ciurlionis, the museum of the artist and sculptor-modernist Jacques Lipschitz, the Church of the Holy Virgin Mary, the Museum of the city in the villa "Linksma", the museum "Forest Echo" (all about the forests of Lithuania), the park of sculptural monuments in the village Grutas (8 km from Druskininkaya). Not far from the city is the national park Dzukija - the largest in Lithuania (147 species of flora and fauna of the park are listed in the Red Book).

The Museum of Forest Echo (Girios Aidas) is located at: Čiurlionio g. 102, phone: (+370 313) 53901, opening hours: Wednesday-Saturday 10.00-18.00. The museum was founded in 1971, since that time its collection has expanded considerably. Today, you can see stuffed animals of rare species of animals and birds, fairy witches and other characters - forest dwellers, works of art from wood, articles made of amber, black ceramics, works of folk art. The city museum of Druskininkai (address: Čiurlionio g. 59, phone: (+370 313) 51024, opening hours: Mon - Sat 11.00-17.00) was created thanks to the donations of the honorary resident of the city Petras Viščinis. Here you can see the exhibition "19th Century Druskininkaya in the works of Vasilijus von Rothkirch"; "The first doctor Druskininkaya"; «Interwar Military Druskininkai». There is a museum in the ancient villa Linksma, which was built in the early 20th century near the lake Druskonis. Since 2001, the museum also hosts music concerts and lectures. On weekends, traditional concerts "Serenades Druskininkai" are arranged.

Treatment in Druskininkai

Exposition of the Museum of Memory of Jacques Lipschitz on Šv. Jokūbo g. 17, (opening hours: Tues-Thurs 12.00-17.00) tells of one of the most famous modern sculptors of the 20th century (years of life 1891-1973). Another museum dedicated to the glorified people in Druskininkai is the Museum of the Memory of Ciurlionis (address: 35 M. K. Ciurlionio St, opening hours: Tues-Sun 11.00-17.00). The museum collection contains illustrations of the famous artist and composer, biographical documents, copies of paintings by masters from different countries. Here the authentic atmosphere of the life of the Ciurlionis family is surprisingly conveyed.

The gallery of V.K. Jonynas (address: Čiurlionio g. 41, (+370 313) 55553, opening hours: Tues-Sun 11.00-17.00), founded in 1993, is noteworthy. The gallery features works, photos and films by Vytautas Kazimieras Jonynas (1907-1997), who worked for a long time in Germany and the USA. Excursions are also conducted in Russian.

The park of sculptural monuments in the village of Grūto Parkas is open from Mon to Sun from 9.00 to 20.00. In the shade of Christmas trees and firs, there is a Soviet monument of 1989 - a legacy of different eras of Lithuanian sculpture. These idols remind of the hard time of the Soviet occupation, for the edification of future generations about the terrible regime that swept the Baltic land.

  • What kind of entertainment for children is in Druskininkai
  • Where is the water park in Druskininkai and how much does it cost to visit?
  • What excursions can you take out of the city of Druskininkai?

Photo of Druskininkai (18)