• The most profitable flight from Russia to Europe is determined
    9 Feb 2015
  • In Lithuania, a "funeral" of the national currency will take place
    Dec 30, 2014
  • Travel in Vilnius public transport can now be paid from a smartphone
    Jul 7, 2014
  • Vilnius has updated the discount card for tourists
    Mar 31, 2014
  • Voronezh air carrier opened a flight from St. Petersburg to Vilnius - $
    8 Nov 2013
  • In three Russian cities, new visa centers in Lithuania have been activated
    7 Nov 2013
  • The flights of the new Lithuanian airline will start from the 1st of July
    May 20, 2013
  • In Druskininkai there will be an International Theater Festival "Vasara-2013"
    Mar 27 2013
  • Lithuania will supply "Laik"
    Mar 25 2013
  • Lithuanian Palanga recognized as the best Baltic Sea resort
    Mar 15 2013
  • The traditional Kazyukas fair will be held in Lithuania - $ 6 Feb 2013
  • Mount Krestov in Lithuania - an unusual place of pilgrimage Jan 21 2013
  • In Vilnius you can see Santa Claus in 3D on the bell tower Dec 27, 2012