Are there large queues on the border with Lithuania?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Those who go to Lithuania by land transport are worried about crossing the border. Alas, usually quite a long time. In Belarus, the most heavily loaded is traditionally considered to be the Kamenny Log-Medininkai throughput. At the beginning of April, on it more than 300 trucks were accumulated on each side, drivers had to wait several days for crossing the border.

Cars are always much smaller, and they are not in line for wagons - they have a separate strip for them. Nevertheless, 10 cars can pass the border for several hours, as it is customary to blame the sluggishness of the Lithuanian border guards. However, they say, since May they started to work more actively, some motorists turned out abroad in half an hour.

Next on the load is usually the checkpoint Kotlovka-Lavorishkess. Therefore, many motorists go to Lithuania via Beniakoni-Shalchininkai or Privalka-Raigardas.

On the border between Lithuania and Russia (Kaliningrad region) the situation is similar, the fastest is the crossing of the border through the Sea-Nida crossing point. Well, the longest lines, according to motorists, are assembled in Sovetsk-Panemuna.

May 31, 2012

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