The Macedonian language (Macedonian Kazak) is the official language of the Republic of Macedonia, the youngest literary Slavic language codified in 1945. Genetically Macedonian is close to Bulgarian.

The alphabet (31 letters) is based on the Cyrillic alphabet: in the Macedonian alphabet there are no letters used in the Russian alphabet - y, e, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, u, but there are letters that are not in the Russian alphabet - ѓ , ќ, ј, љ, њ, ѕ, џ. The stress, as a rule, falls on the third syllable from the end. In borrowed words, it mainly falls on the last syllable.

Russian-Macedonian Phrasebook
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Greetings, common expressions

Hello, hello Good, Chao
Good bye, until Prior to Gladie, Chao
How are you? How is it?
Nice to meet you Dragoi mi e stot s ot znoznavme
Thank you Welcome
Please We mul ±​​$
How do you / your name? Kako se vikate / vikash?
My name is ... Јас се се викам ...
I (do not) understand Јас (не) разбираем
How much is admission? Kolka chinie vroyznitsa?
Is there a discount for students / children? Is it immanent for the student / father?
Do you speak English? Do you angrish Angliski?
Can I take a picture? Is it possible to slikam?
Can I burn photos from my memory card to a CD? Can you yes, you can download a picture from the memorial on the CD?
I need a film for this camera Sakam for ovos photo camera.
Are there gay clubs here? Kade mozham yes nada samalistashta homoseksualtsi?
I treat Јас ее купам пијалак.
Well, we will! (toast) On the health!

Shops, hotels, transport

I stayed at the hotel ... We are privileged in ...
Where can I buy a ticket? Can we change the ticket to the cabins?
What is this station / station? What about the village?
Is it busy here? Dali e ova sidiste slobodno?
How much is? Kolka chino toa?
I need a taxi Sakam taxi
Turn on the meter, please! We mole in a taxi driver.
Stop here You will find an ovde
I need a car for hire Sakam yes from the stake # $
I ran out of gasoline Останав without gasoline
Show me on the map Can you show me (on kartava)?
How to get there / reach? Kako yes stagnam up to the Tama?
I need to reserve a room for $ ±​​$ Sakam and reservists soba, ve molam.
Do you accept credit cards? Do primate credit cards?
This number is too expensive Sobata e premenku skapa
And you can not cheaper? What is your price for the price?
Can you leave my things here? Can it really be left to the luggage of the luggage?
I need a SIM card for your network. Sakam da batum SIM card for your mreta
Where is the nearest pay phone? Kade e nabliskata јavna govornitsa?

At the restaurant

Tell me some typical local dish? Is there a local specialty?
Do you have vegetarian dishes? Did you give the vegan art of the temple?
Breakfast Deposit
Lunch Handles
Dinner Evenings
Special day meal Specification for denot
Bring a wine card We have a sheet of paper with a copy of
Bring an account of Monthly estimates
Orange juice Juice of pomorance
Bottle / glass of beer Shishe / bowl of beer
Vodka Rakia