How to get from Antanarivo to Ankifi?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
The distance from Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, to the village of Ankifi is about 900 km, and you can get there in two ways:

1. By car on the routes №4 and №6. Travel time - about 12 hours.

2. Regular flights from Antananarivo are made by Air Madagasсar flights to Nozi-Bi (Fasin Airport). Without a transfer flight will take 1 hour 5 minutes (there is a variant of the flight with one change). And already from Nosy-bi to the village of Ankifi (and back) can be reached by motor boat. The journey time is 30 minutes. The first boat leaves at 7:30.

February 4, 2015

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