The Malay language (Bahasa Melayu) is one of the Austronesian languages, spread on the island of Sumatra, the Malacca Peninsula, in the coastal areas of the island of Borneo, as well as on a number of smaller islands. Malay is the state language in Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore (along with English, Chinese and Tamil), as well as in Indonesia. In 1972, a unified system of writing on the basis of the Latin alphabet was introduced and the rules of spelling were brought together.

At the same time, Malaysia is a former British colony. It's no wonder that here they speak and understand English, slightly transforming the language into a funny "menglish" (Malay + English).

For example, here often use the word lah (traditional, larrr - youth or lor, which carries a more dramatic hue) - an interjection, which is usually put at the end of the sentence, giving its sound confidence and conviction. The only real meaning is the end of the phrase or the whole sentence: Of course lah! No, lah! Die lor!

Another interesting word - boleh - means "to be possible", "to be able". Boleh - the word-symbol of Malaysia, at one time Prime Minister Mahathir came up with the slogan "Malaysia boleh! ". The expression has since been a source of pride for local residents, but sometimes carries a somewhat ironic connotation.

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Greetings, common expressions

Good Morning Slamat Pagi
Good afternoon, evening Slam tengahari, fame petang
Good night Slamat malam
Goodbye, happy journey Slamat dzhalan
Welcome Slamat datang
How are you? Apa kabar?
Good Baik
Я Sayya
He, she is Dia

For the good of the case

could you help me? Bolehkah anda tolong sayya?
How do I get there? Bahaymana Sayy Bolekh Kezan?
How much is? Brapa jargon?
What is your name? Syapa nama anda?
Where? Dee mana?
Sorry Ma'afan Sayy
Please Tolong / force
Thank you Trima cacique
My love is $$$ Sayang sai

At the restaurant

Mutton Daging Cambing
Water Air
Beef Daging Lemb
Crab Ketas
Shrimp Udang
Chicken Ayyam
Meat Daging
Drinking Minus is
Fish Icahn $$$
Pork Daging Babi
Fruits Buach

Figures and numbers

One Satu
Two Dua
Three Tiga
Four Empath
Five Dima
Six Enam
Seven Tudzhuh
Eight Lapan
Nine Sembilan
Ten Sepuluh
Eleven Seblos
Twelve Dua blas
Twenty Dua Puluh
Hundred Seratus