Sipadan - a small island of oceanic origin of no more than 12 hectares . . This Malay tropical paradise can be bypassed in just 25 minutes, incidentally seeing the beautiful sandy beaches framed in the deep rain forest - $ . Meet with representatives of the forest flora and fauna near it will not work: local authorities forbid tourists to move deeper into the island . However, eyewitnesses say that sometimes lizards and other animals live on the shore . In addition, Sipadan is a reserve - a place for A variety of birds, more than three thousand species of fish, hundreds of coral species, green turtles and Byss turtles

The sea magnificence of the island's only oceanic island in Malaysia is created by numerous corals growing on the top of an extinct volcano. This process took hundreds of years. Sipadan is located about 700 meters from the bottom.

 Divers around the world talk about Sipadan with aspiration. In the late 80's on the island visited the legendary Jacques Yves Cousteau, who authoritatively recognized him as one of the best places for diving on earth (for more details about dive sites, see
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Sipadan is located near the port town of Semporna, part of the state of Sabah in East Malaysia .Nevertheless, in this case, the proximity to civilization in the form of a huge island Borneo rather played a bad role in the history of .The fact is that Sipadan for a long time was a disputed territory, which Indonesia tried to take for itself, owning more than 70% of Borneo, then Malaysia .At the end of 2002, as a result, by decision of the International Court of Justice, Sipadan withdrew to the Malay side along with Ligitane .Earlier, the Philippines claimed the island, but their claim was not satisfied .

One of the most tragic pages in the history of Sipadan is connected with Philippine terrorists who took 21 victims on the island, of which 11 were ordinary tourists.
Underwater world of Sipadan

How to get to Sipadan

Getting to Sipadan is not so easy.

By plane

There are several options. The first step is to reach the city of Tawau, the third largest city of Sabah. This requires an internal flight from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu (two and a half hours), and then a flight from the capital of the state to the city of Tawau (about 50 minutes), or just a direct flight from Kuala Lumpur, which is much more convenient and faster . Another option with transfers is the flight from the main Malay city to Sandakan, and then from the last to Tawau (about 40 minutes).

Tawau International Airport is the second largest in Malaysia and mainly serves Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia.

By taxi

The second stage of the trip is a trip from Tawau to the port of Semporna, located 35 km from the island of Sipadan. The most convenient way, but not cheap, is a taxi from the airport. Travel time varies from one to two hours.

On the boat

After arriving in Semporna, depending on the accommodation, you either immediately go to Sipadan by speedboat, or take the water to the island of Mabul, which will serve as a starting point for future trips to the diving paradise. The journey time from Semporna to Sipadan is about an hour, from Semporna to the island of Mabul - about 30 minutes.

The island of Mabul is one of the "closest" points to Sipadan. Divers from all over the world also come here, and unlike Sipadan, the tourist infrastructure is developed here. By itself, Mabul is extremely small. The entire territory is sandy beaches, artificially expanded; numerous coconut palms planted on the site of the destroyed jungle, and hotels designed for a different budget.

Search for air tickets to the city of Tawau (nearest a / p to Sipadan)


Sipadan hotels

Since Sipadan is a nature reserve, the number of divers at the same time on the island is limited (so the authorities try to save the unique local reefs). No more than 120 dives can be carried out during the day. Accordingly, one can not live on the island either: tourists are usually placed on two nearby islands - Mabule and Kapalai, where comfortable chalets are built.

Kitchen and restaurants

On Sipadan you will not find a cafe. Food and water should be taken with you.

Shopping and shopping

The island of Sipadan is not a place for commerce, but a reserve. This is his charm. Souvenirs can be purchased in Semporna or on other islands, for example Mabule or Kapalai.