We are planning a wedding with a girl in the summer, they wanted to make a production in the Maldives or in the Dominican Republic, but my passport ends on September 16, 2013. Rest planned in early June, that is, at the time of arrival in the country of rest, the validity of the passport will be 2, 5 months. Is our trip possible? I read many forums: many people write what they say, but tour operators unanimously say that at the time of arrival in the camp, the validity of the passport must be at least 3 months.

Responds Veronika Birman, the company "Exotic" Time »
You can go to the Maldives before the expiry of the passport, no time is required. You can safely plan a trip - if immigration rules suddenly do not change, you will be allowed into the country without any problems. However, until June you can safely have time to make a new passport and expand the rest geography - June - possible, but not the most glamorous time for recreation in the Maldives. On the other hand, you can count on good offers from hotels and yachts for a romantic voyage.

March 15, 2013

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