The Maldives, like pearls scattered in the turquoise expanses of the Indian Ocean, represent a unique and unique world at the edge of the world, where crystal clear blue waves of the ocean are washed by coral reefs and pure white sand beaches.

The Maldives is truly the most amazing island republic, where its laws and the foundations of local people reign, where amazing nature, mild climate and exotic animals and birds create an atmosphere of primitiveness, but very thinly intertwined with the glamor of a resort rest .These islands are rightly called "coconut paradise" because the number of coconut palms is incalculable here and these delicious fruits go a long way, before the production of our enterprises get on the tables, where they are already making all kinds of products .

Despite the fact that the Maldives are considered the best modern resorts, where there is a lot of entertainment for tourists, this amazing country has its rich history, ancient architectural values ​​and historical monuments..The smallest in the world, the capital of Male annually meets thousands of tourists who want to not only enjoy a chic vacation in a heavenly corner, but also get acquainted with the culture and traditions of the local population, visit souvenir shops, taste delicious cuisine, go on excursions to uninhabited islands, the underwater world of the Indian Ocean and even look at the islands from a bird's eye view!

Paradise Maldives Maldives - pearls of the Indian Ocean
Relax on a cruise in the Maldives Maldives - pearls of the Indian Ocean
Romance Maldiveshttp: // export = view & id = 16Pr95kL0HYTB6iPmkzgTeY9RBWmWK8bg Maldives - pearls of the Indian Ocean

One of the main attractions of the capital is the Main Mosque, decorated with Arabic calligraphy and wooden carving .The amazing palace of Sultan keeps a collection of jewelry and clothing of Muslim rulers, as well as manuscripts of the Koran .It is worth noting that the Muslim faith dominates in the Maldives, which requires appropriate behavior from the guests of the country .It is forbidden to appear in beach clothes in front of locals, bring alcoholic beverages with them and consume them, throw garbage and hunt .

Most of the resorts of this country offers a delicious menu, which includes European and Asian cuisine .If you stay in a hotel for 4 or 5 stars, here you will be offered Indian, Continental, Oriental and Italian cuisine .However, the basis of most dishes is rice, spices, exotic fruits and numerous seafood .In any restaurant in the Maldives, at least one kitchen cabinet is necessarily filled with a variety of spicy seasonings and spices that are added to almost every dish, and the oven constantly exudes an appetizing aroma of baked fish, seasoned with chilli paste or mild fish pies coolie kuli .Many gourmets will necessarily come to taste tuna cutlet with coconut rumble or traditional fish soup and garuda rice .

Many gourmets will necessarily come to taste tuna cutlets with coconut hum or traditional fish soup and garud rice.

For those who are still hesitating whether to spend their holidays in the Maldives, it should be recalled that rest on these islands is not only sun tan and bathing in the turquoise ocean, it's fascinating excursions to the islands and above them - on the seaplane, from where you can make unique stunning footage .These are numerous water activities, ranging from diving and windsurfing to water skiing and catamaran riding .These are ultramodern SPA centers in every hotel where massage and cosmetology services are offered .And despite the fact that civilization in the Maldives almost does not lag behind large modern megacities, rest here will give the opportunity to break away from the world, enjoy the beauty of the amazing nature, relax your soul and body, be alone with yourself, and it is possible to make more than one new discovery, which will give a lot of vivid impressions and not forgotten emotions .