Malta is one of the most popular "educational" areas. The reasons for this are a lot: the English education system, which is considered one of the best in the world, a huge selection of programs for all age groups, available in comparison with the rest of the English-speaking price directions, rich excursion opportunities. And, of course, the opportunity to combine training with rest on the seaside.

Language schools in Malta

Now in Malta, more than 30 schools are open with a large selection of programs of varying duration and intensity, and for different levels of preparation. All English schools are subject to mandatory licensing by the Ministry of Education of Malta. The license is issued only to schools that meet the Ministry's requirements.

English in Maltese
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Also in Malta, an independent Federation of English Language Learning Organizations (FELTOM) has been established and is functioning, whose task is to develop training standards for language centers .Membership of the school in FELTOM - a guarantee of the quality of training .Therefore, when choosing a school, you should pay attention to its accreditation in this or other international organizations .Accreditation means that inspectors attend school and assess the quality of teaching, convenience, nutrition, hygiene standards, safety and t .д .At present, this association includes the following schools: Am Language Studio, Clubclass Residential Language School, EC Malta, English Communication School, English Language Academy, GEOS (Malta) Language Center, Global Village English Center Malta, Inlingua Malta, Institute of English Language Studies, Linguatime, Magister Academy, NSTS-ELI, Sprachcaffe Languages ​​PLUS, The International English Language Center, The Voice School of English .

Training programs in Malta

  • The following programs can be singled out in the thematic area: general / standard, colloquial, business / business, professional (medical, financial, banking, insurance, economic, accounting and marketing, tourism and hotel business, ayti-sphere, etc.), training for exams for a certificate (Cambridge, IELTS, etc.)
  • By the number of lessons per week: standard (usually 20 lessons per week), intensive (usually 30 lessons per week)
  • By the number of students in groups: ordinary groups (10-12 people), minigroups (up to 6 people), two students with one teacher, individual classes.
  • By age groups: for children (7-14 years), adolescents (14-18), adults (from 18), for those "to whom over 50."

There are also courses for teachers teaching English as a non-native language (DELTA).

By levels of knowledge, there are usually 6 levels:

  1. Beginner (Beginner): Inaccurate phonetics and grammar, very slow speech.
  2. Elementary (elementary level): the student can support the conversation with common phrases. A small vocabulary.
  3. Low Intermediate: A student can maintain a conversation on a limited number of the most common topics and everyday everyday situations. Vocabulary is limited. Translates phrases verbatim from his native language.
  4. Intermediate: the student can support conversation on many common topics and everyday everyday situations - he has an expanded vocabulary, although limited by familiar topics, and initial skills in the correct use of grammatical rules in constructing sentences.
  5. Upper Intermediate: A student confidently owns all the basic grammatical constructs of the language. Vocabulary is sufficient. Has good communication skills in a foreign language.
  6. Advanced: the student easily uses the grammar and vocabulary of the language, rarely making mistakes in the choice of a particular grammatical construction or word / phrase. Speech is fast.

For the duration of the programs: from a week to a year.

Children's and teenage courses are usually supervised by young teachers who also look after children and after school hours. When forming the training groups, the age of the child / adolescent and the level of language proficiency are taken into account. As for adults, there are no age restrictions. Many schools offer special "50+" courses for students over 50.

Groups are formed according to the results of the test (written test for knowledge of grammar and oral conversation), which is conducted on the first school day. Learning includes reading, writing, grammar, comprehension of speaking by ear, role playing with emphasis on learning modern colloquial English.

Practically in all schools, classes can begin at any time of the year. Courses usually start on Mondays. Lessons are held either on the first, or both in the first and second half of the day.
St Thomas Bay Beach, Marsascala, Malta English in Maltese
In Malta, you can study and swim.
Beaches of Dweir, San Laurentz, Gozo English in Maltese
Learn and ride an excursion
St. Julian's at night, Malta English in Maltese
And, of course, have fun!

Accommodation at language schools in Malta

The set of accommodation options is the same as in all other "educational" countries: student residences, host family accommodation or in a hotel. Some schools also offer hostels or student hostels. The choice of type of accommodation depends on the age of the student and the availability of residences in a particular school. Accommodation in residences involves the accommodation in the rooms (for 2-6 people) of the dormitory buildings of the boarding school. As a rule, in this case, the cleaning of rooms and the washing of students' things are included in the tuition fee.

Student residences

The advantages of accommodation in student residences:

  • Inexpensive;
  • The residence is usually close to the school,
  • Ability to communicate with students from a wide range of countries;
  • The ability to prepare meals on your own, thereby saving money at cafes and restaurants.

Disadvantages of accommodation in student residences:

  • Neighbors may not like it. But you can always change the number, agreeing on this with the school.

Family accommodation

Family accommodation involves the residence of a student in the home of a Maltese family who accepts foreign students. The pupil has breakfast and dinner with family members and other students residing here, and lunch gets "in the package" (the cost of meals, as a rule, is included in the cost of accommodation in the host family).

Advantages of accommodation in host families:

  • Inexpensive;
  • Possibility of constant communication with Maltese and students from other countries in English;
  • For the parents of adolescent students: looking after the children from the host family (this is their duty under the law);
  • The opportunity to learn about local customs, everyday life, etc., literally "without leaving home."

Disadvantages of accommodation in host families:

  • No one is immune from the fact that the student does not like the host family and vice versa. But the host family can always be changed by asking the school about it.


The advantages of accommodation in hotels:

  • More comfort;
  • The opportunity to be alone and relax from the noisy student environment;
  • It is easier with food (for those who do not like to cook or eat "home" food of a host family on rest, but prefers restaurant dishes).

Disadvantages of accommodation in hotels:

  • More expensive than host family and student residence;
  • Less language practice.

Free time

In parallel with the training program, all schools offer a wide range of cultural and sports programs .In Malta, in principle, you can find entertainment for every taste and character .For some, excursions to the main sights and trips to museums, for others - visits to concerts or even festivals, for others - walking on nature, for the fourth - swimming in the sea, diving with a mask and scuba diving ... will be interesting for some. In addition, on the island there are also cinemas, shops, restaurants, bars, discotheques .In their free time students can lie on the beach, go in for sports - scuba diving, water skiing, tennis, horse riding, golf, football, volleyball, basketball .Or go explore the islands of the Maltese archipelago .

Excursions are an integral part of training, especially for teenagers. It can be pedestrian, bus excursions, and boat trips. In most schools, excursions are organized every day, you can choose and pay for them already on the spot. In addition, entertainment programs for children and adolescents already include a visit to discos and parties, picnics, amateur evenings, hiking, concerts and performances (all accompanied by adults, of course!)

Exams and certificates

All schools after the completion of the training give the students a certificate. In addition, many schools can prepare students for the exams of the First Certificate Examination (FCE), the Advanced Certificate Examination (ACE), the Proficiency Certificate Examination (CPE) and the exams for the CELTA (International Certificate in English Language Training to Adults) and TOEFL of English as a Foreign Language).

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English in Maltese