For those who value their time, it will probably be interesting to know that during the holiday you can not only have a good rest, but also increase your own efficiency..This opportunity is not neglected by Europeans, regularly, at least once a year, going to language courses in the country of the studied language .According to the specialists of the STADI FLIGHT Educational Center, this trend is becoming even more clear in our country: the opportunity to simultaneously relax well and improve the level of English language skills attracts more and more business people every year..

Types of Malta

Without English now nowhere. Unfortunately, English classes in their hometown without interruption make it possible to develop practical language skills only at a very slow pace. And frankly speaking, taking into account the busy schedule and everyday worries of time for studying English at home, a businessman practically does not remain.

Training in English courses in foreign countries can be very cheap, especially for the UK..The topic is not less, to fly off during the holidays rest on the sea can afford most of the working Russians: for example in Moscow (taking into account the average salary in Moscow of 35,000 rubles .) it can afford literally everyone .And often this happens even several times a year! Thus, most people are happy to spend money on vacation without realizing that you can successfully combine rest and learning English at the same time, and thus significantly save time and money.

Malta is the best for this - a small European country entering the Schengen zone. Malta is located in the center of the Mediterranean Sea and occupies a group of islands off the coast of Italy. Malta is not only a popular resort for those who like beach holidays. It is still a country that for over 150 years has been a colony of Great Britain. The English language here is public.

The holiday season lasts in Malta from late May to mid-October. In the rest of the year, the weather does not suggest sunbathing and swimming in the clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea (in the conventional sense), although some Maltese and foreigners living in Malta swim all year round: the average air temperature in winter here is about 12-15 degrees above zero.

As for teaching English, you can not doubt that the leading language schools in Malta, such as IELS (LAL Malta) or EC Malta, which are market leaders, provide a high quality of teaching that meets modern world standards..Here the effectiveness of training will not be worse than in the UK, Ireland or Canada..These largest language centers in Malta accept adult "students" (all over 16 years of age, including business people and professionals) for courses of all levels of complexity .Thanks to the multi-level training system, classes can be started every Monday throughout the year and you can study as much as you want - from one week to the whole school year .

English language courses for children and adolescents under the age of 18 in Malta are held during the holiday season, when the weather is fine, and the water in the Mediterranean warms to maximum temperatures.

Combining rest with training allows you to consolidate the knowledge gained in the lessons and make the course itself more interesting. Those who decide to learn English in Malta can not worry about getting a visa to this country - by applying for help to an agency accredited by the Embassy of Malta, you will get a visa without problems.

And, finally, what many have been waiting for: the prices for living and studying English in Malta are much lower than in other English-speaking countries. This is particularly evident during the low season. And also with an increase in the duration of study and residence in Malta.

The best English courses are courses that ensure the maximum effectiveness of training at a minimum cost, "said Mikhail Kudryavtsev, General Director of the STADI FLIGHT Center. - This approach is used in the formation of special offers published on the site

Here, those wishing to learn English will find long-term English language programs for adults offered by the leading language centers in Malta at the lowest prices.

Studying English in Malta - a profitable investment of funds .You will not only find new acquaintances and improve your level of English, you will just have a good rest, bathe in the warm sunshine during the summer season or enjoy the national cuisine and just enjoy life that in Malta flows slowly at any time of the year .And then, upon your return home, you will be able to do your new business with new strength, for all you have for this: the restored mental balance, and the confidence necessary to negotiate with your foreign colleagues in using English language .It's time to get results from your profitable investment!

Source: - English Language Training: English Courses Abroad.