If you are thinking about vacation and want to spend it so that pleasant impressions and positive attitude are preserved for a long time, then be sure to pay attention to the proposals of travel agencies regarding the wonderful, amazing, fabulous island of Malta.

 Types of Malta

Malta is a real museum of not only historical but also natural sights and rarities. What is worth, for example, is the oldest in all of Europe and, most importantly, the currently operating theater Manoel, which is located in the capital of the state - Valetta. One can not help but look at the Palace of the Grand Master of the legendary Maltese Order, the world's oldest Knights' Order. Now it is the residence of the president of the country, and also the place for holding parliamentary meetings.

And do you think there is something about-something very ancient in Malta? Something older than even the world-famous wonder of the world - the Egyptian pyramids? Yes! By the Neolithic age, megalithic religious buildings are . They are compounds of large stone blocks that are fastened together without the aid of lime or cement . These buildings are older than the Egyptian pyramids by 500 or even a thousand years! It is simply blasphemy to buy permits for Malta and not to visit these amazing places: the Ggantija Temple, Tarshien, Hal Saflieni Hypogeum ... The Ggantija Temple, by the way, is considered the most ancient man-made structure on the whole Earth .

Having visited the island of Gozo, be sure to go on an excursion to the stunning St. George's Basilica. And in general, Malta is famous for its abundance of temples and cathedrals: the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Valletta, the Madina Cathedral in the city of Mdina (and the famous city gate there), the Cathedral on about. Gozo and others. Touch the eternity, having visited these beautiful old buildings!

Undoubtedly, this corner of the planet is one of the favorite children of nature itself. It is impossible to explain otherwise the abundance of amazing places of beauty and grandeur in the territory of the Maltese state. The world famous Calypso Cave, where according to legend the famous nymph for 7 years kept the traveler Odysseus. Favorite places for tourists are also the Blue Grotto, the cave of Gar-Dalam, the Azura window and many, many others.

Ultimately, it does not matter whether you choose a fairy tale Malta or visit Poland, Ireland, Greece or any other the country of Europe (and even the world!). The most important thing is to go there with a positive attitude, waiting for a pleasant stay. It is very important in our time to let yourself be distracted from the constant bustle and rest, to relax truly, unforgettably and fun.