How to get from Mexico to Cuba?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
From Havana fly direct flights to Mexico City and Cancun. In the first case, the flight time will be 3-3, 5 hours (sometimes they make docking in Cancun), Aeromexico, Cubana and Iberia fly. Cancun can be reached in 1 hour and 10 minutes by Aeromexico, Cubana or Blu-Expres flights.

In addition, you can get to Cancun and from Varadero, there are stopping many connecting flights from Europe (Amsterdam, Brussels). Travel time is about 2 hours.

In any case, a lot of flights take place on the day, connecting the two countries, so that finding the best option will not be difficult. But, traditionally, to find the most budgetary options - you have to buy tickets as early as possible (for 3-5 months, for example).

October 11, 2011

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