Uxmal ("built thrice") - the ruins of one of the once large and prosperous cities, located in the north-west of the Yucatan peninsula. Surrounded on all sides by tropical forests, Uxmal, along with Chichen Itza and Palenque, is the center of gravity of the researchers of the mysterious Mayan culture.

The entrance ticket is 95 pesos; parking cost - 10 pesos, guide - 400 pesos. The complex is open to visitors from 8.00 to 17.00.

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History and culture

Almost nothing is known about the city's early history. In the period between the 7th and 10th centuries AD, e. Uxmal was the main religious and ceremonial center on the hills of Puuk. At the end of the 10th century the city was captured by the Tutul Shiv tribe, after which it participated in wars with Chichen Itza and Mayapan for political domination in Yucatan. After the 11th century, life in the city froze.

Widely known Uxmal received in the 19 century, after his ruins were first studied by archaeologists. In 1929, active work began to restore and study the city.

How to get to Uxmal

Buses from Mérida leave for Uxmal. The distance between the cities is 68 km.

When planning a trip, note that on Saturdays and Mondays, buses of this direction are usually crowded.

Search for air tickets to Cancun (nearest a / p to Ushmal)

Uxmal hotels

In the vicinity of the excavation site there are several hotels. All of them are approximately the same level and relatively inexpensive, but they offer quite worthy service.

The Lodge at Uxmal 5 *, the cost of accommodation in high season (March-April), which comes to 600 dollars, and from May to October is reduced to 177-205 dollars. Hacienda Uxmal 4 * offers rooms for $ 238-338 in March-April and 148-218 from May to October. In Mision Uxmal Park Inn 4 * you can find a haven for 60-113 American "green". Also one of the budget numbers is in Villas Uxmal Club Med 3 * (60-140 dollars throughout the year).

Various souvenirs and gifts can be bought in shops and at the breakdown of merchants at the entrance to the complex.

Book popular Uxmal hotels at the best prices

Hacienda Uxmal Plantation & Museum from 5 417 rubles Uxmal Main Street 1 The Lodge At Uxmal from 11 511 rubles Uxmal Main Street 3
Uxmal Resort Maya from 2 832 rubles Uxmal Carretera Merida-Campeche Km 78

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Uxmal

The highest in the complex is the Pyramid of the Sorcerer ("The House of the Dwarf") - 38 m, is 5 temples, erected one on top of the other. This structure is typical for many religious buildings of the Maya. The pyramid is designed in such a way that its western staircase is under the sun itself during the summer solstice.

Climbing the stairs is a real test - it's very steep and consists of a myriad of steps, getting to the top all already.

According to legend, the pyramid was built by a dwarf wizard in just one night. The pyramid is richly decorated with masks of the god of rain and fertility of Chuck, the image of which is present in the elements of all the structures of Uxmal. He was particularly honored here - there are no rivers or keys in the district, and water could be stored only during the rain.

Near the pyramid is a complex of four buildings, located to each other at right angles - the Convent. This name was given to the quadrangle by Europeans who first visited here: in the buildings a total of 74 rooms resembling cells, with windows facing inward. According to the assumptions of archaeologists in the time of Maya, there was a military school or school.

The palace of rulers, called the Maya explorers, "the culmination of the architectural style of the Puuk", is located on an artificially erected terrace 8 meters high. Before the staircase leading upward, directly to the palace is a stone statue, "the throne of the double-headed jaguar". The upper part of the building is covered with mosaics from more than 20,000 stone tiles. The main "hero" of the facade is the ubiquitous god of rain.

To the south east of the palace is a small complex known as Casa de la Vieja. In front of him is a small hut, covering several huge, carved stone phalluses.

The structure known as "The House of the Old Sorceress" does not produce the most favorable impression, since it consists of a pile of stones roughly cemented with cement - an attempt to restore the fifth "reincarnation" of the temple. From the previous, fourth, structure there was an entrance on the western wall of the building, which is the mouth of a huge image of Chuck.

Light show

The Great Pyramid has a base of 100 to 70 meters and rises to 30 meters. "The house of turtles" got its name thanks to carved images of these animals. According to the Mayan legend, during the drought, the turtles suffered as well as the people, and along with them they sent their prayers to the rain god Chaku. Frieze of small columns encircling the building is a characteristic element of the Puuk style.

At the entrance to the complex there is a small museum, as well as a snack bar.

During the season in Ushmal, the scorching sun shines almost all day long, so be sure to bring a hat and sunglasses. Comfortable shoes will also be very handy.

In the evenings, Uxmal is illuminated by the multicolored lights of the light and music performance - a bewitching spectacle that logically completes the journey to this mysterious and mysterious place. Photos of Uxmal (4)