I am flying to Mexico with a transfer in New York, and it is assumed that in New York it will be necessary to change the airport. Do I need a visa and what type? And if the plane will simply fly through the territory of the United States, do you also need a visa?

Responds Natalia Viktorova
Without an American visa, you will not be put on a plane with a transfer to the United States. And the concept of "US transit visa" does not exist, you need to collect documents for a regular US visa.

If the plane flies over the territories of the United States, but does not sit there (namely, both Transaero and Aeroflot fly to Cancun) - then you do not need an American visa.

Responds Ilya Ignatyev, Passat Travel Company
I already answered a similar question literally a week earlier.

To enter the American territory (to replace the airport or other actions), of course, you need an American visa. It can be tourist or some other.

In the second case: if we fly by air without leaving the airport, a visa is also necessary, otherwise you will not simply be put on a plane. This visa is called "transit" and is included in the requirements of staying in the American territory. That is without a visa you can not fly to Mexico in any case with landing on the territory of America.

Responds Milana Mitkina, the Russian Express company - $
In your case, a visa is required in the United States. If the US has a landing (even without changing the airport) - obtaining a visa to the United States is a must. If you do not want to apply for a visa in the US, you need to consider either direct flights Moscow-Mexico, or flights through Europe-then no additional visas are required (provided that in Europe only docking without leaving the transit zone). ±​​$ br >

November 28, 2013

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