Rest in Morocco is still not so popular with our compatriots, although many tourists from around the world have already managed to appreciate its charms .This is a true oriental fairy tale with ancient palaces and lively bazaars, noisy and bright .These are cities with somewhat harsh exterior walls of buildings and luxurious courtyards decorated with marble, fountains and mosaic .It's orange groves, the ocean, mountains with peaks, wearing snow caps and sultry Sahara .With all this splendor, the cost of living, food, excursions and souvenirs here is very low .

Immediately upon arrival it is desirable to exchange money for local currency - Dirham. The exchange rate is the same everywhere: for one dollar, you will be given 70 dirham, and 1 EUR can be exchanged for 90 dirhams.

It is worth noting that the Moroccan national currency is one of the most stable on the entire globe.

When exchanging, be sure to require a receipt, otherwise you will hardly be able to change the remaining money back from you, and export it outside of Morocco is strictly prohibited.


Travel around the city is quite convenient and public transport, a ticket for which on average costs five dirhams - but it is better to take a taxi, which will cost about twice as expensive. There is a railway connection between the cities, but to avoid being tied to a strict schedule, you can take a bus, for example from the resort city of Agadir, to Marrakech, you can drive for only 1000 Dhs (or 15 US dollars), breaking the distance of almost 300 km.

Hotels and restaurants

Contrary to numerous impartial reviews about the sanitary conditions of Morocco, and in restaurants and hotels is quite clean. Having removed a double room with breakfast on average for 80 EUR, you will not be disappointed.

Food prices are very low here. A full dinner of main course, light snack and dessert in the city cafe will cost about 50 dirhams. If desired, you can dine in the restaurant, after trying several national dishes from meat or seafood, paying a maximum of 15 EUR, and this at local rates is considered a fabulous sum. On the streets there are also trays with different "eastern fast food", the prices there are generally penny, but also for hygiene are not particularly monitored.


As gifts from Morocco, you can bring national shoes - bubushi, one pair of which costs an average of 75 dirhams, very beautiful hand-made carpets, the cost of which varies from hundreds to several tens of thousands of dirhams. And also products made of bronze, ceramics, dates and oriental sweets, which cost no more than 35 dirhams per kilogram.

On average, to spend interesting time in any city in the country, not denying yourself anything, but without going to extremes, it will take about 40 EUR per person per day.
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