Is Moroccan retirement suitable for pensioners?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
If older relatives dream of visiting a vibrant country full of oriental exotics, they can quite well offer a trip to Morocco. Of course, the rest there is shown only to those people who well tolerate flights lasting 5-6 hours, and feel comfortable in the sun. People with hypertension and problems with the cardiovascular system should consult a doctor before the trip.

These potential dangers for the health of pensioners can be significantly reduced, with the correct choice of place and time of rest. In the beach season will be a good trip to Agadir. There is not so hot from June to September (up to +30), daily temperature differences are small, the ocean is heated and you can swim there. Hotels in Agadir (without noisy entertainment) also contribute to a calm, measured rest.

To diversify the vacation program, you can add several tours around the country. Better two-day: so travel in buses will wear out elderly. Do not overload the rest with additional trips, remember that in the cities far from the coast, it will be much hotter in the summer. If you want the excursion program, it is more correct to go in April-May or October.

March 29, 2012

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