Bagan - the capital of the first state in the territory of Myanmar .During the heyday on the local plains, more than 10 thousand rubles were built up .religious buildings, today in an abandoned temple complex there are more than 2 thousand .of ancient Buddhist temples .Ancient pagodas, temples, sacred caves and stupas, located in the bend of the Irrawaddy River, store the memory of the former capital of the Burmese Empire .Bagan is an amazing and eclectic spectacle: the temples are built of limestone, sandstone, marble, with tiles and underground galleries - and each one at least differs from its neighbors .Nowadays this place has become a kind of Buddhist Mecca and a popular tourist center .Here come pilgrims from all over Asia, as well as travelers interested in the architecture and culture of ancient Myanmar..Many are so imbued with local culture that they stay in Bagan for a few days and even weeks .

Bagan is an amazing and eclectic spectacle: the temples are built of limestone, sandstone, marble, with tiles and underground galleries.
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From the history of Bagan

Bagan played an important role in the cultural formation of the Burmese kingdoms, it was here that Burmese art originated. But it attracts the attention of historians not only as a cultural capital. The history of the emergence of the Bagan State is truly phenomenal: there were no habitual long years of development and formation, Bagan appeared swiftly and immediately presented to the world his delightful temples, a full-fledged administrative and religious system.

The date of the founding of Bagan is to take 850 g .n .e .Shortly thereafter, endless bloody battles for the throne and palace coups .In 1044 g .Prince Aniruda ascended to the throne, and this year is considered the date of the creation of the Bagan state .During his reign, Anirud significantly expanded the territory, adding neighboring lands to it, raising the cultural level of residents and strengthening foreign-policy unions .He aspired that Bagan would surpass all known at that time states, bring here the most talented masters who created incredible masterpieces .

By the way, from Aniruda among Bagan kings, as well as nobles, ministers and other nobility, the tradition has gone to exalt its name by the construction of temples.

After the death of Aniruda Bagan, the rule was a lot of kings, some were peace lovers and focused on diplomatic relations, others fought bloody wars and collected military campaigns, periods of peace were replaced by years of violent uprisings. Since the end of the 12th century for Bagan, the time of oblivion, defeats in wars, disintegration of statehood, population decline has begun.

Formally, the Bagan's throne existed for almost another nine centuries, during which time the ruined and looted Bagan gradually became depopulated, the wooden structures were burnt in military fires, the stone ones were destroyed by earthquakes. Until now, in the enchanted city-ghost, only stupas and temples that preserve the memory of the greatness of Bagan have survived.

In the summer of 1975, Burma, especially Bagan, suffered significantly from a particularly severe earthquake. In the 1990s, the country's military authorities began to restore the city in order to create an attractive tourist site. Unfortunately, this unskilful "restoration" caused more damage to the monuments than the benefits, so, despite the obvious cultural and historical significance, UNESCO did not include Bagan on the World Heritage List.

  • How to get from Yangon to Bagan.
The temple complex of Bagan

Climate of Bagan

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 28 + 28 + 31 + 36 + 38 + 37 + 34 + 34 + 33 + 33 + 32 + 29
night + 13 + 13 + 15 + 19 + 25 + 26 + 26 + 26 + 25 + 24 + 23 + 19

How to get

There are no direct flights from Russia to Myanmar, to Bagan, the airplane without transplants is all the more unavailable. Several airlines organize flights to Myanmar, but they are very expensive and involve a couple of transplants (in Europe and Asia). The best way to get to Myanmar is by plane to fly to Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur or Singapore, then change planes to Yagon, and from there to Bagan is within easy reach. Near Nyang-U there is an airport that accepts liners from Yagon.

You can reach Bagan by land from Thailand (the borders of Myanmar with Bangladesh, India, Laos and China are closed). If you prefer this option, please note that when you enter Myanmar through the land border, tourists are restricted in movement around the country, so you will have to issue short-term visas for 2-14 days with the right to stay in the border area. Tourists take buses from Yagon and Mandalay to Bagan. Another option is to catch a tourist steamer in Mandalay and get to Bagan on the Irrawaddy River, the flight will take about 12 hours.

Search flights to Yangon (nearest a / p to Bagan)

3 things to do in Bagan:
  1. Ride in a hot air balloon. Flights are organized only in the early morning, the cost of a unique attraction is about 270 USD per person.
  2. In one of the temples take a picture with the local residents, dressed in colorful costumes. For a small fee, they will happily demonstrate for the photo their long neck, decorated with spirals, like copper rings.
  3. Meet the sunset, climbing to the top of the Shwe-san-Da pagoda.

How to move

The temples of Bagan are haphazardly scattered over a fairly large territory. To those located in the vicinity of the villages and Old Bagan, you can still walk, but to get to the remote temples, you have to go.

There are several ways to travel around Bagan. The most budgetary option is to rent a bicycle for 6 USD per day. The option is more expensive and more exotic - rent a horse cart for 15 USD per day, however, please note that local drivers are in no hurry, so you will be moving at a snail's pace. And, finally, those who are limited in time and are not tempted by local exotics, can rent a car with a driver, the cost is 35 USD per day.

Where to stay

Choose where to stay: in Old Bagan, Novy Bagan or Nyang-U - you need on the basis of your preferences in resting .If the main goal is to visit the temples, and in the evening entertainment there is no need, pay attention to Old Bagan, from here it is most convenient to get to the shrines .If you can not imagine your rest without nightlife and visiting restaurants, your choice is New Bagan .Here the main part of cafes and other entertainment centers are concentrated, and there is a decent choice of hotels .True, from New Bagan to get to the temples will have to transport .Approximately the same picture in Nyang-U: a lot of inexpensive hotels, there are restaurants, in addition, there is a bus station and the market works .From the inconvenience: to the temples you also need to travel by transport .

Not far from Bagan is the national park "Gora Popa" (translated as "bud") - a beautiful place, very popular among tourists. At an altitude of 750 m there is a temple built, an ancient abode of spirits, which also need to be visited.

All prices are in November 2014

Photos of Bagan (12)