Ngapali Beach is a strip of white sand, on which five-star hotels are lined up. Here, in the neighborhood, local fishermen are engaged in their simple craft, not paying any attention to the sunbathing beach-dwellers-foreigners. Fresh and varied seafood in local hotel restaurants are prepared by unique exotic dishes.

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How to get

It is necessary to take a bus from Yangon, which first goes north to the city of Pi (Prom), then crosses the Irrawaddy River across the bridge, and then sweeps across the ridge along a narrow road.

Also, from the Yangon, Bagan and Lake Inle, daily flights fly in high season. The flight from Yangon will take 35 minutes. The car can be reached in 14 hours. You need to move along a narrow road through the Arakan mountain range (Rakhine Yoma), crossing Irrawaddy in the vicinity of Pye (Prom).

Search for air tickets to Situe (nearest a / n to Ngapali)


It's always hot enough here, thanks to the tropical monsoon climate. The hottest months are April, May, June, when the air temperature can reach +35 degrees.

Slightly cooler in July, August and September, then the rainy season begins. The average daytime air temperature is +29 degrees. Not very comfortable here from June to October. The maximum amount of precipitation falls in June, July and August.


A few kilometers from Ngapali are the beaches of Kantay and Ngve-Saung, the savagery of which will appeal to lovers of privacy.

5 things to do in Ngapali
  1. Arrange a romantic dinner at sunset directly on the shore of the tender Indian Ocean. The best scenery can not be imagined!
  2. Swim in the ocean at night in moonlit waters that look like molten silver because of the smallest plankton that inhabits the Bay of Bengal.
  3. Buy in the local souvenir shop graceful crafts and jewelry made from natural pearls.
  4. Arrange a picnic on a small cozy island in the delta of Irrawaddy.
  5. See the traditional Festival of fiery balloons in Toungoo, which is arranged by local peasants, launching silk balls filled with hot air in the evening sky.
Ngapali Beach

Hotels and infrastructure

The best option for vacations on the paradise beaches is to rent a bungalow at the very edge of the beach, wander the whole wide deserted 10 km beach all day, and listen to melodious songs of local residents in the evening. Season for the perfect holiday - from October to May.

The most popular form of transport in Ngapali is a bicycle.

As for the requirements of tourists to the service, hotels of all levels and even the golf course will satisfy the demand. On Ngapali Beach there are three representative hotels and one motel with democratic prices. It's hard to find a bar with a scampering people, crowds of sunbathing tourists, noisy bazaars, shopping centers, and at a local restaurant they are pleased with cheap seafood. The cost of the dish varies between one and a half dollars, the same "octopus in curry" or oyster salad cost less than a dollar.

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions Ngapali

Tired of the constant beach lying, tourists are taken to explore the neighboring villages in the jungle, which attract their untouched exoticism. From Ngapali you can go to Mrauk-U, Sittva and Chi Chaung village by boat.

The main attraction of Mrauk U is Shiteton temple, whose name means "a temple with eighty thousand images", built in 1535. Once inside the temple, you find yourself in a massive hallway along which the Buddha statues were lined up.

The village of Lontha (Lontha) is a kind of port where the main fun is to watch local boatmen reload the vats of live seafood on land. A long way, already at 6 o'clock, awaits you to ancient medieval pagodas and villages where women with tattooed faces live.

Near the beach of Ngve Saung, right in the rainforest of the rainforest, is the "Elephant Camp", where dexterous caren drovers train the giants caught in the jungle. Here you can ride an elephant and watch the trainings.

To make a trip to the town of Taungu, located just east of Bagan, in the mountains is an opportunity to visit the local market, where mountaineers come in with a darker skin than the Burmese people and a peculiar structure of faces. In Pindaya, which is close to the beaches, there are many sacred caves and colorful orange fields that have dragged the whole earth to the horizon.