Nepal is the most mountainous country in the world, located on the slopes of the great Himalayas. It is here that adventurers and pilgrims from all over the world seek the mythical Shambhala and the gates to other dimensions. Mysterious and mysterious in this mountainous country "breathes" literally every stone. There is an opinion that the positive energy, which can be recharged in the mountains, is able to heal any ailments.

Article-pro-tours-in-Nepal1 Mysterious and mysterious Nepal - the best option for a boring vacation is

Despite the small territory of Nepal, you can visit all climatic zones of the world - from the tropics to the cold mountain deserts. Most of Nepal is located at an altitude of more than 3000 meters above sea level.

This amazing country is rich not only by the beautiful, untouched nature, but also by numerous sights and monuments of architecture, seven of which are listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Trekking tours to Nepal

Today Nepal offers excellent opportunities for outdoor activities. The most popular are trekking tours in Nepal or else they are called tours of the Himalayas - foot ascents of varying degrees of complexity and duration. Such a tour can be calculated for several days and months. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to conduct ascents without accompanying experienced guides.

Those who are looking for bright emotions and impressions are offered a safari in the jungle, rock climbing, rafting on the fast-moving mountain rivers, mountain bike trips and much more. It is here that there is the second highest bridge in the world for the Bunjee jump (160 meters).

Excursion tours to Nepal

Due to the fact that in the history of Nepal there were practically no wars, and the country was closed to the public until the 50s of the last century, an incredible number of architectural monuments, the originality and ethnicity of the culture,.It should be noted that although according to official figures the majority of the population are Hindus, many residents prefer to offer both Buddha and Shiva to not anger any of these gods..In total there are 50 ethnic groups in the country that have different rites and traditions..

The historical and economic center of Nepal can be called its capital - the city of Kathmandu, where one of the most important religious monuments of the country - the stupa Swayambhunath is located. Not far from Kathmandu is the town of Lumbini - it was here that the Buddha Shakyamuni was born. In honor of this significant event, a majestic temple complex was erected, which is a place of pilgrimage of Buddhists from around the world.

No less famous and popular tourist attraction is the Pashupatinath temple complex, which is located on the bank of the Bagmati river. It is an honored and sacred place for all Hindus. Excursion tours to Nepal - this is incredible in its beauty landscapes, untouched by man's virgin nature and clean air. Visiting the city of Nagarkot, which is located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, you can admire the temple of Changu Narayan, which is dedicated to the god Vishnu.

The capital of the hippies, Pokhara, was named in the 1960s and 1970s when young people from all over the world gathered here to find vivid impressions. Famous Pokhara and its huge lake Feva - one of the largest in Nepal.

Article-pro-tours-in-Nepal2 Mysterious and mysterious Nepal - the best option for a boring vacation is
Article-pro-tours-in-Nepal3 Mysterious and mysterious Nepal - the best option for a boring vacation is

Travel to Nepal - features

The best time to visit Nepal is from October to December and from March to April. It is worth noting that from June to September in this country the monsoon season, the weather is hot and rainy and the tour to Nepal at this time will not bring much pleasure.

In large cities, the majority of the population, connected, one way or another, with tourism, speaks spoken English. The population of Nepal is friendly and calm. However, before traveling, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of conduct in this country so as not to offend the local resident by your actions.

The main problem that can arise when visiting Nepal is a disease associated with lack of oxygen, which is especially felt in the areas located at an altitude of more than 2500 meters above sea level. However, licensed conductors know how to make the acclimatization process as quick and painless as possible.