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To visit mystical Nepal, citizens of Russia and the CIS countries need a visa, which can be obtained either on arrival (at Kathmandu airport or at ground crossings), and in advance by providing the necessary package of documents to the Embassy of Nepal in Moscow..The visa does not cause difficulties upon arrival: two photos and a completed application form, plus a fee of 25-40 USD .From the specifics of filing documents with the Embassy - the validity of the passport must be at least 6 months .The visa is done quickly - within one day .If the purpose of the trip is trekking in the Himalayas, be prepared to submit a special permit .

Visa to Nepal - registration of visas Online and in the office!
Visa processing in the UAE and Singapore. Urgently. On-line: without presence and in the office. Price from 3 200 rub. Term from 1 day. Required documents:
Passport and photo. Guaranteed. Tourist invitations to Russia.
Complicated cases, work with refuseniks.
(499) 714-54-74, (812) 715-20-61 •
Visa to Nepal
Eurovision - Schengen visas at the lowest prices
Schengen visa for a year at the super price in rubles !!!
Schengen to the inhabitants of Crimea with a guarantee.
Urgent visa for 1 day. Visas with a guarantee after failure.
Multivision for 1-5 years with 100% guarantee. Visas to citizens of the CIS countries.
Agencies special prices on request. We work with all regions of the Russian Federation.
(495) 223-84-29, 223-84-25 •
Visa to Nepal
VisaMoscow - visa service at the highest level!
Professional registration of visas: visas to France, Italy, Greece, Spain and other Schengen countries, urgent Schengen visas, visas to the United States, Japan, the United Arab Emirates and other countries. Promotions and discounts for visas: children free of charge or insurance as a gift. Office in the center of Moscow, we work 6 days a week.
(495) 664-97-06, 789-02-09 •
Visa to Nepal
Euro-resident - visa and immigration service for 5+!
Visas are urgent! Visa for a year for 3h! Complicated cases, guarantee! Visas Schengen from 3 300 rub. Bulgaria 2,200 rubles., The United States, Great Britain from 2,500 rubles., United Arab Emirates for 1 day 9,000 rubles. and for 3d 7 200 rubles.
Passport passport, 2-nd passport, urgently (from 2 days). Visas to Russia from 1 000 rub. Also: residence permit and permanent residence in the EU from 1,500 EUR.
(495) 665-02-60 •
Visa to Nepal
Visa to India and China without the presence of $ $
Visa to India and a visa to China from the tour operator "Ayurveda-Tour."
Our company is accredited in the embassy.
Delivery all over Russia.
(495) 959-59-60, (812) 337-58-88 •
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Visa processing on arrival

A visa to Nepal can be issued upon arrival at the immigration offices located at the Nepal border crossing points: at the Tribuvan International Airport, in Kathmandu, at ground crossings.

To apply for a visa, you must provide:

  • two recent photos of 3x4 cm (black and white or color),
  • completed visa application form.

It is also necessary to pay a visa fee of 25 USD for a multiple visa valid for up to 15 days, 40 USD for a multiple visa valid for up to 30 days, 100 USD for a multiple visa valid for up to 90 days. The fee is paid in dollars or any other convertible currency. Children under the age of 10 years from payment of the fee are released.

Citizens of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine can get a visa at Kathmandu airport, providing the same documents as Russian citizens.

Visa processing at the Embassy - $

To apply for a visa in Moscow, you must provide the following documents:

  • a foreign passport with a validity of at least 6 months from the date of the visa's validity;
  • a copy of the passport page with the applicant's data;
  • two photos 3x4 cm;
  • A questionnaire filled out in English and signed personally by the applicant.

The term for issuing a visa is usually 1 business day. Multivisa are issued with a stay of 30 days. Consular fee - 40 USD, payment is made when submitting documents to the consular department.

If the purpose of travel is hiking in the Himalayas (trekking), you must also provide a permit (Trekking Permits) from the Immigration Department of Nepal. Its cost is about 250 NPR (although depending on the length of stay in the mountains and the ascent area, the fee can range from 10 to 700 USD per week). In addition, the group must travel on the route only when accompanied by a local guide or accompanying from a travel agency that issued certificates. A number of areas are generally banned for trekking. The regions of Annapurna, Everest, Langtang and Rara do not officially require a permit, but local authorities still charge a variety of fees "for the organization of the route" under one or another pretext. Tourists also have to pay separately the right to climb to the tops above a certain level (the amount of fees usually exceed several hundred dollars).
Visa to Nepal
Visiting center Arcade is quality from professionals!
Visa on the day of departure! Guaranteed Schengen Visa:
Lithuania, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary.
Visas to other countries: Japan, USA, Australia, England.
Invitations to the Russian Federation for foreigners. Tourist and business from 1 day.
(495) 650-12-39 •
Visa to Nepal
Schengen visas: Reliable! Fast! Guaranteed!
Schengen multivisa visa for 1 year from 4 500 rubles. Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Lithuania. Urgent visas for 1 day! Guaranteed! For citizens of the CIS. Visa in the United States for 3 years from 4 500 rubles., In the UK from 3,500 rubles., To China from 3,300 rubles., To Japan from 8,500 rubles. Free courier departure.
(495) 928-00-58 •
Visa to Nepal
Schengen visa online:
Austria, Hungary, Greece, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland for only 3500 rub. Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden for only 2500 rubles. Visas to Australia, the United Kingdom, the USA, New Zealand - 2000 rubles. Visas to China, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Cyprus, Bulgaria from 1000 rubles.
(495) 781-80-33. •
Visa to Nepal
"Delta Visa" - a visa is guaranteed!
Annual Schengen from 130 EUR! Multivision for 1 year, 3 and 5 years. In a clean passport! Visas from 2 500 rub. without the presence in Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Greece, Germany, France, Finland, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, the United States, Great Britain, the countries of Asia, etc. Passports. Invitations to the Russian Federation. Help refuseniks. We work with regions.
(499) 922-66-30, (495) 621-26-01 •
Visa to Nepal
"World of Wanderings": registration of visas on-line!
Registration of Schengen visas: to Italy, France, Austria, Spain, Poland from 2,000 rubles., Germany from 1,500 rubles. Urgently. Visas to the United States, Great Britain from 2,000 rubles, New Zealand, Australia from 3,500 rubles. Visas to China, Japan from 8,000 rubles. Tourist invitations in Russia, business visas to Russia. Complicated cases, work with regions. Express delivery.
(495) 783-80-20, (800) 775-42-71 •
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Embassy of Nepal in Russia - $

address: Moscow, 2nd Neopalimovsky per., 14/7
phone: (499) 252-82-15