Few people know that New Zealand - the birthplace of the most harsh, fanatical and evoking a lot of emotions of extreme entertainment. The main centers of the extreme are Rotorua on the North Island and Queenstown on the South Island. Queenstown today has turned into a kind of "playing field of the nation", the real capital of madmen, where one and a half million extreme people from all over the world come together.

The most widespread types of extreme in the country: "bungee jumping" (in Russian - simply "tarzanka ") Toboggan - tobogganing on special shells like mini-beans, air rides" free-fall ", driving on a mountain river on a speed boat - what is called a" shut-over ". More - rafting on "Black water" at a depth of 100 meters below the ground along the rivers of the cave of White , kayak rafting and incredible scope for helibording . Here you can also experience yourself in the fun of "air surfing" and "solar skis," as well as parachuting and rafting .

One of the most interesting entertainments here are excursions to the ancient Benedictine monasteries located on the very bottom of the craters of extinct volcanoes.

Other unusual extreme entertainment from New Zealand is Fly By Wire. The essence of it is simple: an exhaustive extremist lies in a kind of air kayak with a large propeller at its feet, with which it is possible to maneuver in the streams of air between the hills.

Zorbing - downhill from the mountain in the "zorba" - a huge inflatable plastic ball with the second sphere inside. "Zorbanavt" is placed in the inner sphere, and the ball rolls off the mountain at a speed of 50 km per hour. If desired, you can strengthen the already weaker sensations by pouring water into the inner sphere.

Water kinds of extreme: kayaking - swimming on a small one-seat (rarely - two-seater) boat "kayak". In Dautful Sound, for example, you can arrange kayaking with dolphins in the bay. Jetboating - swimming on a speed boat along narrow rivers with a stony bottom, rapids and sharp turns. Kiting - sliding on the water on the board with a special parachute resembling a huge kite.

One of the most interesting entertainments here are excursions to the ancient Benedictine monasteries located at the very bottom of the craters of extinct volcanoes .In the inner courtyards of some monasteries, there are unique fountains with boiling water heated a few meters below the surface of the earth with volcanic lava .In one of these monasteries, New Zealand volcanologists created for tourists truly extreme entertainment: descent into the thickest of seething volcanic magma in a special capsule with a powerful thermal insulation .

Bungee jumping from the Kawarau Bridge in Queenstown Extreme in New Zealand
Bungee jumping
Hot Spring Champagne Pool in Rotorua Extreme in New Zealand
Endurance test in hot springs
Milford Sound Fjords Extreme in New Zealand
Trekking in Milford Sound