What goods should I bring from Norway?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Traditionally, knitwear from Norway is brought from Norway - $ .Be prepared for the fact that sweaters, scarves and even socks cost a fortune .If the high cost does not scare, you can add thermal underwear, products made of reindeer and sheepskins: sleeveless jackets, capes, mats .Buy them better in a store where the quality is guaranteed .Good souvenirs will be products reminiscent of Vikings .These are copies of helmets, knives with runic inscriptions (keep checks, ask about certificates for presentation at customs), decorative helmets and hats that copy them .All sorts of flasks decorated with images of Drakkars and Fjords, dishes with Christmas motives and glasses-glasses with city coats of arms can also be brought as gifts .Although the most popular of the Norwegian souvenirs are figurines of trolls from folk tales .It is believed that they are better to buy in pairs, and those that wink when you think about the person to whom the figure is intended .

Another type of souvenirs, which are readily brought from Norway by tourists are edible. Among them are national spirits, aquavit and liqueurs of cloudberry, smoked salmon, venison, dried cod and unusual cheeses.

August 4, 2011

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