When is Norway celebrated in the country?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
There are many important events in the country, including the birthdays of the king and queen, but the most important of them is the Constitution Day .About his honorable place among the "red days of the calendar" can be judged by the second name - National Day of Norway .Celebrate it every year on May 17, the day when in 1814 the constitution of the country was adopted and the king was elected, Christian Frederic .Before that Norway for about four centuries was under Danish rule, and after, after only a few months, was forced to enter into Sweden, while retaining the right of self-government .An indicator of this fact can be considered that an important for the country date of May 17 was celebrated as a holiday already since 1836, although the status of an independent state was received only in 1905 .For the opportunity to conduct marches and entertainment events had to be wrestled, but successfully and almost bloodlessly .Now no one prevents the Norwegians from arranging parades (the most popular of them is children's) and folk festivities in honor of the national holiday .And from the balcony of the royal residence of citizens and guests of Norway, the royal family welcomes the sincere love of their subjects..

June 21, 2011

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