The Portuguese language (língua portuguesa) refers to the Romance group of the Indo-European family of languages. This is the second most Romantic language after the closely related Spanish and one of the most widely spoken languages ​​of the world (6-8 places). Speakers in Portuguese are united in the general term luzofony named after the Roman province of Lusitania, which approximated the territory of modern Portugal, and the whole aggregate of Portuguese-speaking territories - Luzofonia (by analogy with the word Francophonia).

There are two variants of the Portnal: European (pt-pt, pt-eu) and Brazilian (pt-br), and a number of creolized varieties in Africa and Asia.

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Greetings, common expressions

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening! Bon Dia, boa tarde, boa noite!
Hi Ola!
Good bye А тэ а вишта
Thank you Obrigado (husband), obrigada (female)
Please Porafov
Sorry Dishkulpe
What is your name? To whom is the sham?
My name is ... Shamu-me ...
Do you speak English? Fala Ingles?
How is it in Portuguese? To whom is ses ishu hey portugash?
I do not understand Nao Entente
Yes Ci
No Na

For the good of the case

Where is…? Onde fika ...?
We want to buy souvenirs Karamush Compral Przentes
I want to see the museum ... Dazegu Visitor and Musau ...
Do you accept credit cards? Do you have a credit card?
I want to order golf Keria reserve de golf

Figures and numbers

Zero Grain
One Un
Two Doysh
Three Trash
Four Quarter
Five Sinku
Six Seyche
Seven Sete
Eight Oyutu
Nine Nova
Ten Desh
Twenty Vinte
Twenty-one Vinte un
Twenty-two Vinte doysch
Thirty + $ Trinta
Forty + $ Quarte is
Fifty Synthesis
Sixty + $ Sessanta
Seventy Setent
Eighty ±​​$$ Oyenta
Ninety Noventa
Hundred Senj
Thousand Mill

Shops, hotels, restaurants

Do you have rooms available? And kuartush livresh is not there?
I need a room for ... person Nasisitu un apartment suite ...
How much is the room per day? Kualal e u presu da dyarya?
Where can I buy…? Onde suit komprar ...?
How much is? Kuantha Costa?
Can I try on it? A cooker?
It suits me Issu Conway-me
I take it Levu Isu
A bottle of dry wine, please Uma Garraf de, I blame the sek, porphyry
Here you can buy a Russian newspaper? Aki sie podh compir un magazine rusu?
Is there a free table here? And what about the mind of the muse livery?
Menu, please De-meb porcelain, and emiante
Account, please A konta, porfavor


Order a taxi for me, Mende-me Bshkar un taxi, Porfavor
How to get to…? To whom is the Shahegar a ...?
Where is the bus stop? Onde fika and paragey do autocarro?