What souvenirs can you bring from Portugal?

Responds Anna Larionova, Insight Travel Company
From Portugal you can bring a lot of souvenirs and even useful souvenirs! In addition to quality shoes, leather bags, designer clothes, you can bring, for example, products from cork. This material has firmly established itself in construction - as a finishing material, insulation and insulator, but not everyone knows that the Portuguese, as the largest supplier of cork in the world, have learned to make from this malleable material bags, wallets, shoes (all the same products that are possible make of elastic and durable skin).

Portugal is also famous for its ceramics. The factory of the famous artist Pineiro produces world-famous dishes and plates that accurately depict cabbage and grape leaves, tureens in the form of a huge tomato or cabbage, cheese plates with small mice and other fun and cute utensils that decorate the dinner table. ±​​$ br >

In addition to the standard magnets in Portugal, it is customary to buy bettas .Cockerel is not just a stylish decorative thing, the cockerel from Barcelos is a people's hero, a symbol of justice and honor! Why black? Because fried! An entertaining legend is connected with it .One peasant of a pilgrim was sheltered for the night, and in the morning the owner of the house confiscated him, accusing him of stealing .He was immediately sentenced and had to be executed $ ±.The poor man appealed to justice, but there was absolutely no one to intercede for him,.The judge at this time was going to dine delicious roasted cockerel, he was not up to tedious proceedings, so he granted will to the case, saying that if the peasant is right, then the cockerel must stand up and prokokarekat 3 times .All the surrounding perceived the caprice of the judge as a joke, but a miracle happened - the cockerel really barked and the peasant had to release .It is said that this pilgrim returned to Barcelos later and made a small monument to a roasted sanguine savior so that people remember that you just need to believe in justice..Since then, the cockerel is so revered by the inhabitants of this wonderful country .

March 27, 2013

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