
str. General Traian Mosoiu, nr. 24, Bran, Brasov 507025, Romania

Castles of Romania Bran Castle is perhaps the most tourist destination in Romania. At the end of the 14th century local people built it at their own expense. According to legend, here once lived Dracula, and for this bait every year come across tens of thousands of people.

Peles Castle

Sinaia, Aleea Pelesului

Castles of Romania Peles is one of the most beautiful castles in Romania. The architecture of the building is eclectic, there are many things in it: rococo, baroque, and renaissance. On the terraces are columns and fountains, on the roof - several towers.

Virgo Castle

Hunedoara Counrty, Deva municipality

Castles of Romania The name of the castle is translated from Dacian as "fortress". The second etymological version: the name of the fortress was given because of the Roman garrison, which stopped at this place. The garrison consisted of soldiers recruited in the British city of Deva.

Korvinov Castle

Hunedoara Counrty, Hunedoara town, Curtea Castelului, 1-3

Castles of Romania The castle became a real patrimonial nest for a feudal family, which rebuilt the building a little, adding to the Gothic elements of Baroque and Renaissance elements. After Korvinov, the castle was replaced by more than a dozen owners, and almost everyone changed something in the guise of a building.

Pelischor Castle

Sinaia, Aleea Pelesului, 2

Castles of Romania King Karol I built Pelishor for his nephew Ferdinand I. Pelishor is a summer residence for the heir to the throne. The construction took place in 1899-1903. Pelischor is not one building, but a complex of several: a central castle and small terraces.

Castle Poeneri

Arges County, Arefu commune, Capatanenii Pamanteni village

Castles of Romania The Castle of Poenari in Romania is one of the oldest in the country. The fortress was built in the 13th century, and then in the 15th century it was seriously converted by Vlad Tepes, who lived here for several years. This fact explains the popularity of the Poenari among fans of the Dracula Story

Fagarash Castle

Fagaras, Str. Mihai Viteazul, 1

Castles of Romania Fagaras is a small but very beautiful old town (total about 35 thousand people) in Romania, in the southeast of the historical area of ​​Transylvania. It is here that the legendary castle-fortress of the same name is located, which is more than 700 years old.

Fortress of Alba Iulia

Alba Iulia, Cetate, Zorilor Str. Bl. Columna, 10B

Castles of Romania Alba-Julia is one of the most ancient cities of not only the historical region of Transylvania, but also of all of Romania, whose history dates back to ancient times. Moreover, most recently in the city during the archaeological excavations were found the world's first letters.

Ryshnov fortress

Rasnov Fortress

Castles of Romania Ryshnov is a small town on the border between two historical regions - Wallachia and Transylvania, 15 km from the city of Brasov and at the same distance from the legendary residence of the Count Dracula - Bran Castle. The population of the city is only 16 thousand people, and Ryshnov was founded in the 13th century.

The fortress of Sighisoara

Sighisoara, Strada Octavian Goga

Castles of Romania Sighisoara is a small town with a population of just over 30 thousand people in the historical area of ​​Transylvania - it was founded in the 12th century, and in 1999 it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The beauty of its streets, on which the spirit of the Middle Ages is felt, is difficult to convey in words.

A tourist trip to Romania without visiting the castles is like visiting Paris without seeing the Eiffel Tower. Of course, there are many interesting sights in Bucharest. But most go to Romania, primarily for the sake of locks. And it does the right thing!

Castles of Romania - perhaps the main architectural heritage of this is not a miniature state. Castles are scattered all over the country, it's not easy to get to one, while others have long been laid out tourist trails.

Locks in Romania can be conditionally divided into two large categories. The first were built in the 14th and 18th centuries. This is the architecture of the Middle Ages: thick fortress walls, gloomy passages, Gothic windows and other elements. The second type of buildings appeared already in the middle of the 18th century, and it is difficult to call them locks. Rather, these are beautiful palaces, large and bright, luxurious, with lots of elaborate decorative details.

World literature has repeatedly addressed the topic of the castles of Romania. The most famous books are "Castle from the Carpathians" by Jules Verne and, of course, "Dracula" by Bram Stoker.

Everyone can find a castle in Romania: one likes the gloomy seclusion, and the other likes the severity of architecture. But in any case, all the castles of Romania are very beautiful, each in its own way.

Most of the castles are kept in decent condition. The most popular, like Bran, take up to hundreds of tourists per day and work like museums. Around the castles, as a rule, luxurious parks or reserves. This gives medieval buildings an even more detached from the modern reality. Knowingly filmmakers for thematic tapes adore to shoot in Romania.

World literature has repeatedly addressed the topic of the castles of Romania. The most famous books are "Castle from the Carpathians" by Jules Verne and, of course, "Dracula" by Bram Stoker.

Dracula is the main and most popular Romanian brand. Thousands of people from all over the world come to tickle their nerves during a walk through the dungeons of castles that hold the legacy of the famous Count. Unpeakable Vlad Tepesh forever became a symbol of the treacherous vampire and gave mysticism to Romania.

Not surprisingly, several castles are considered to be the "place of Dracula". The most replicated is Bran Castle. It was really built by Vlad Tepesh, who is considered the prototype of the hero of the novel by Bram Stoker. Even if you are not a fan of stories about vampires, to look at Bran is worth - it's an outstanding architectural monument.

Fans of thrill will find shards of stories about Dracula and in the castle of Poenari. According to legend, the famous vampire dropped a victim from the fortress wall after being drunk of her blood.

Yes, there, in any agency you are happy to pick up the options for "Dracula-tours." The most courageous even offered an overnight stay in the castle. Do the hair grow gray after such entertainment, in tourist brochures is not specified.

Well, in general, the castles of Romania - this is a visual guide to the history of architecture in Europe. On them you can track all the artistic styles.

It's nice that the infrastructure around the castles is at an altitude. These attractions are relatively easy to reach by themselves, souvenirs are sold nearby (mostly wool items) and local products (cheese, wine).