Even in the times of the Russian Empire, the healing power of the Black Sea coast resorts was known, the inhabitants of the most remote Russian provinces came to the waters, they were replaced by holidaymakers with trade union permits, then the rest on the Black Sea became truly massive. Every year, the buds do not have time to swell on the trees, the holiday-makers fill their suitcases with swimsuits, shorts and rivets and go to correct their health and mood. However, not everything is so simple: you still have to get to the sea coast, which is often not the closest way.

By rail, you can get to almost any Black Sea resort, only in some cases you will have to change.

Despite the development of air travel, now, as well as a decade ago, many vacationers prefer rail tours .The demand for trains can not be overestimated: holidaymakers planning a trip to the Black Sea coast face the problem of purchasing train tickets .In popular destinations, they snap like hot pies, within hours after getting on sale, $ $ .By rail, you can get to almost any Black Sea resort, only in some cases you will have to change .

Resorts of the Krasnodar Territory

The railway network of the Krasnodar Territory covers all major resort towns and large settlements .The railroad tracks stretched along the entire Black Sea coast from Tuapse to Adler (the length of the main roads is 2770 km); directly by train it is possible to reach Anapa, Novorossiysk, Sochi and many other resorts .In the summer, passenger transportation increases at once 3 times .If you are planning to stay in Anapa or Sochi, expect that on the way from Moscow one way it will take you about a day and a half, before Gelendzhik can be reached somewhere in a day with a small .The cost of reserved tickets to Adler is 2600 RUB, tickets in the compartment cost 6200 RUB, and travel in a luxury compartment will cost 11 200 RUB .

Rest in the Adler hotel lasting 10 days / 9 nights costs from 10 300 RUB (road included), tour for 10 days in Anapa, the Gemet area will cost 15 800 RUB (the road enters), the cost of the voucher to Gelendzhik boarding houses starts from 14 500 RUB ( included food, railway tickets are paid separately).
On the Black Sea for the article Tours to the Black Sea by train
On the Black Sea, the article is Tours to the Black Sea by train

Resorts of Abkhazia

The railway running along the Black Sea coast in Adler does not end, but goes further to Abkhazia, so it's not harder to get to Abkhazian resorts than to Krasnodar.

After the recent restoration of roads in the village of Vesyoloye, a stable railway service has been established between Russia and Abkhazia, now there are several direct trains: train No. 305S Moscow-Sukhum, trains No. 579B Voronezh-Sukhum and No. 479A St. Petersburg-Sukhumi .Customs and passport control passengers pass directly on the train (in Abkhazia - at Tsandripsh station), everything takes about 30 minutes, then the train enters the territory of Abkhazia .It should be noted that this is a rather slow composition, on the Abkhazian land it moves particularly slowly, so that you will have a great opportunity to view the surrounding nature from the windows of the train .If you speak in numbers, then you will have about 43 hours on the road from Moscow to Sukhumi .

Stops in the territory of Abkhazia: Tsandripsh, Gagra, Gudauta, Novy Afon.

During the entire holiday season, trains from Moscow to Abkhazia depart every day, from October their number is reduced to one flight in a few days. The cost of reserved tickets to Sukhum is 3300 RUB, tickets in the compartment are almost twice as expensive - 5900 RUB, and for a ticket to a sleeping car you have to give 11 300 RUB.

For an article on the Black Sea Tours to the Black Sea by train
Article on the Black Sea Tours to the Black Sea by train

If you could not get tickets for the Sukhumi train, do not despair: take the tickets for the train to Adler, then from the arrival by taxi, minibus or bus you will reach the border. There, after crossing two posts, you will find yourself on the territory of Abkhazia, or rather in a large area, where there is a parking of buses, shuttles and private owners. From it the ways to any resort Abkhazian city are opened.

Railway tours to Abkhazia cost from 10 000 RUB, this price includes accommodation in a hotel for 10 days, train travel and meals are paid separately.

Information on the cost of tickets and tours is provided for September 2014.

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Tours to the Black Sea by train