March 1
 Weather in Petrozavodsk Cloudy

+ 1 ° C in the daytime, - 3 ° C at night , ° water

March 2
 Weather in Petrozavodsk Cloudy

+ 2 ° С In the afternoon, - 2 ° C at night , ° C water

March 3
 Weather in Petrozavodsk Cloudy with a light rain

+ 2 ° С Day, + 1 ° C at night , ° water

March 4
 Weather in Petrozavodsk Overcast, light rain

+ 1 ° С day, 0 ° C at night , ° water

March 5
 Weather in Petrozavodsk Cloudy, light snow

+ 2 ° C in the afternoon, 0 ° C at night , ° C water

March 6
 Weather in Petrozavodsk Cloudy

+ 1 ° С by day, - 4 ° С at night , ° C water

March 7
 Weather in Petrozavodsk Cloudy, light snow

- 1 FROMday, - 4 ° C at night , ° water

8 March
 Weather in Petrozavodsk Clearly

- 1 ° С day, - 4 ° С at night , ° С water

March 9
 Weather in Petrozavodsk Clearly

- 1 ° С by day, - 7 ° С by night , FROMwater

10 March
 Weather in Petrozavodsk Clear

+ 1 ° С in the afternoon, - 8 ° С at night , ° water

11 March
 Weather in Petrozavodsk Clearly

+ 3 ° C in the daytime, - 1 ° C at night , ° C water

12 March
 Weather in Petrozavodsk Cloudy, rain

0 ° С in the afternoon, - 2 ° C at night , ° water

March 13
 Weather in Petrozavodsk Cloudy, light rain

+ 2 ° C in the afternoon, 0 ° C at night , ° C water

The main city of the Republic of Karelia - Petrozavodsk - is located along the shores of the eponymous lip of Onega Lake in the northwestern part of Russia. It belongs to the Atlantic-arctic zone of the temperate climatic belt and is equal to the regions of the Far North by the nature of the weather. But the weather in Petrozavodsk is significantly mitigated by the prevalence of the Atlantic cyclones, which provide a relatively warm winter.

Petrozavodsk is a zone of excessive moistening. For the year, more than 600 mm of precipitation falls in the city.

Petrozavodsk is characterized by a long, moderately cold dry winter .Negative temperatures are set in November and last until March inclusive . At the same time, frosts reach their apogee by January and average around -10 ° C . In rare cases, winter temperatures can drop to -40 ° C . Together with so the thaws are possible . Winter weather in Petrozavodsk is mainly cloudy . The clouds block the passage of solar radiation, and thus the city receives only 30% of the sun's heat from the possible in clear weather quantities . Over half a day a year in Petrozavodsk overcast . Snow in the city you It determines quite early and lies all winter, until a significant warming . through increased cyclonic movements weather in Petrozavodsk quite unstable .

short spring in the city only covers two months - April and May. During this period, there is a sharp increase in temperature and an increase in precipitation. By the end of April, the air temperature can reach +6 ... +8 ° C. However, the probability of returning frosts is high until the second half of June

An important role in weather shaping in Petrozavodsk has a cyclonic activity . Most often the city gets moist air formed over the Atlantic Ocean . It brings cloudy rainy weather, winter thaw and summer cold snaps . Arctic air, on the contrary, dry and cold . It forms over the Kara and Barents seas and brings to the city a sharp cooling, but at the same time clear weather . Less often than all of Petrozavodsk to warm cyclones from Central Asia . In the summer they can provoke a heat up to +30 ° C .

Summer in Petrozavodsk is short and moderately warm . Air temperature on average is +14 . +21 ° C . An overwhelming amount of time is pouring out prolonged rains . Sometimes, in case of penetration of the European anticyclone, hot weather . is set in Petrozavodsk But it is usually short and quickly replaced by rain rains or cold winds . By general characteristics Petrozavodsk belongs to the zone of excessive moistening . For year in the city falls more than 600 mm of precipitation . Despite the fact that they are distributed fairly evenly throughout the year, most of them are still in the summer months .

Autumn in Petrozavodsk there is a fairly sharp temperature drop. Frosts begin in September, and frosts become noticeable by the end of October. In autumn the weather in Petrozavodsk can be quite clear and cold or relatively warm and rainy, depending on the nature of the prevailing winds. On the average, the air temperature in autumn keeps at +6 ... +9 ° C.

 Weather in Petrozavodsk
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Weather in Petrozavodsk by months

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep ok no dec
day - 8 - 7 - 1 + 5 + 13 + 18 + 21 + 18 + 13 + 6 + 0 - 5
at night - 15 - 13 - 8 - 2 + 4 + 9 + 12 + 10 + 6 + 1 - 5 - 11