Recently, diving in the Crimea is gaining increasing popularity, and it is not surprising - because there are all the necessary conditions for excellent diving on the peninsula . Picturesque bays and bays of the Black Sea have long become favorite places for divers. - $ . The coast of Sudak, Koktebel, New World and Sevastopol - the most interesting diving points of the Crimea . To immerse yourself in the underwater world rich in secrets and treasures, it is not necessary to be a professional. $ . Diving clubs of Crimea organize dives, calculated both for beginners in, and on divers with experience . Diving in Crimea is always a fascinating and exciting journey to the depths of the sea . Let the Black Sea not so saturated with marine life, such as, for example, the Red Sea on the Egyptian coast, in Crimea divers also have something to look at . Mysterious grottoes and cozy bays, underwater rocks and sunken ships - Black Sea conceals hundreds of unique historical artifacts .

Diving clubs of Crimea organize diving , calculated both for beginners and for divers with experience.

Where from ravitsya

Tarhankut - one of the most popular dive sites, is located in the southern part of Crimea, near the eponymous peninsula. Diving in Tarkhankut is a unique opportunity to explore the numerous underground tunnels, caves and grottos that are so rich in this place. The average depth of the dive is from 3 to 9 m, however some caves are also at a depth of 15-20 m.

It was on Tarkhankut that the scenes from the legendary Soviet films "Amphibian Man" and "Pirates of the Twentieth Century" were shot.
 Diving in the Crimea for the article  Diving in the Crimea
 Diving in the Crimea article  Diving in Crimea

In addition to the many underwater labyrinths on Tarkhankut, there are other sights. So, at a depth of 13 m you can visit the museum "Alley of Leaders", whose collection includes busts and monuments of world famous rulers, as well as models of architectural masterpieces of the present.

Underwater museum "Alley of Leaders"

Located next to Sudak Cape Meganom - another significant diving-point of the Crimea. Enveloped in many mysteries and legends, Megan really impresses with the beauty and grandeur of underwater landscapes: ligament caves and labyrinths, frozen volcanic grottoes, a diverse animal world, amazing landscapes and underwater panoramas - all these treasures lurk at a depth of 5 to 20 meters. Another cape is famous among divers and resting with clear-clean water, which allows you to dive in cloudy weather.

The minimum cost of diving at Cape Meganom is 2000 RUB.
Article diving in Crimea Diving in the Crimea.
For an article diving in Кпім Diving in the Crimea.

One of the most picturesque places in the Crimea is considered to be Cape Aya. Situated on the southern coast of the peninsula, the cape is located in the water area of ​​Balaklava. Underwater expanses of Aya are distinguished by their bizarre beauty and excellent visibility. Among the sights of the cape - the cave of the Dragon (at a depth of 20 m), the Holy Grotto (15 m), the underwater grottoes of the Ushakovka wall (more than 50 m), the sunken ship of 1934 - the wine cellar (from 6 to 22 m), the cave in the rock of Fig - Cornice (up to 23 m).

Cape Aya

The coves of the New World are a great place for beginner divers and rest for the whole family. In the Bay of Zelenaya historical diving-immersings to the exhibition of ancient pirate ships (up to 10 m) are made, and the bay of Love, warm currents of which make staying under water absolutely comfortable, is perfect for romantic diving.

All prices are valid for January 2015.

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Diving in the Crimea.