Diving tours to Kamchatka are carried out from May to October, as a rule, in the Avachinskaya Bay area . On the Pacific coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, one of the most beautiful bays of the world cuts into the depths of the earth - Avachinskaya Bay . Avachinskaya Bay is a vast closed gulf of round shape, an area of ​​about 215 km, connecting with the Pacific Ocean fairly narrow (3 km) strait . The coastline of the bay is winding, riddled with numerous coves, of which are most convenient for diving: Middle Camp, Big Camp, Quiet, Bezymyannaya, Stanitskiy . Avacha Bay coasts of volcanic origin, and have mainly mountain character .

Maximum depths in the center of the bay are 25-28 m, and at the inlet to the bay 6-14 m The average water temperature in July-September on the surface is 10-15 ºC, at a depth of 10 m - 6-8 ºC and at a depth of 20 m - 3-6 ºC. Transparency of water depends on the season and depth. Below the layer of the temperature jump (thermocline), it increases significantly, reaching 7-10 m. On the areas adjacent to the entrance to the bay, the water transparency in the summer is 10-15 m.

Diving in Kamchatka Shallow waters of Avachinskaya lips are represented by stony placers, rocky slabs and coarse rocky material. Everywhere the dominant species is the sea urchin. Subdominant organisms are the anemones, ascidians, sponges. In places there are large clusters of several species of sea stars. Crabs - hairy beetles are common species of such communities, and royal spiked crabs appear in shallow water only during spawning. Solid ground can be found up to depths of 10-12 m. Deeper than the whole bottom is covered with a fairly thick stratum of silty and aleuritolite (loam, clay) bottom sediments of gray-green color.

The basis of underwater landscapes of the Kamchatka waters, where there is a solid substrate, are the so-called kelpas - thickets, primarily brown algae. Communities of coralline algae spread to depths of 8-10 m. In moderately freshened areas of the lip there are small mussel cans.

32 species of fish constantly live in the Avacha Bay. In it, all kinds of Pacific salmon are frying. In the coves located at the entrance to the Avachinskaya Bay, seals are constantly spinning, which are very curious and approach to themselves quite close. Sea lions (sea lions) practically do not swim.

In different parts of the bay there are flooded vessels lying at depths from 5 to 20 m, visiting which is relatively safe.

In the water area of ​​Avacha Bay, Starichkov, in the bays of Zhirovoy and Vilyuchinskaya. The most interesting place for diving is the area of ​​Fr. Starichkov. The species composition of the underwater fauna and flora is extremely diverse and colorful - several species of sea stars, hedgehogs, lush sea anemones, colonial hydroids, sponges, sea cucumbers, numerous fish. The depth of the dive is 10-40 meters. Visibility in the water reaches 15 m.

 During diving in Kamchatka, you can not only admire and photograph underwater world, but also engage in underwater hunting.  Diving in the Kamchatka Territory
Diving in the Kamchatka Territory
 Beauty of the Kamchatka Territory edge  Diving in the Kamchatka Territory
Diving in the Kamchatka Territory
 Lake in Kamchatka  Diving in the Kamchatka Territory
Diving in the Kamchatka Territory

Offshore Kamchatka edge
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 Diving in the Kamchatka Territory