An abundance of catch is waiting for everyone who dares to go fishing in the Volga delta. And it's not just words, because a mighty river called the Volga, thanks to its canals, created a real paradise for fishing lovers. In the Volga Delta you can fish all year round, and each time come back with a valuable catch of tasty and healthy fish. The most popular fishing in these parts in summer and in autumn is from April to November.

You can endlessly listen to flattering stories about this region, about fishing, underwater hunting and hunting in Astrakhan, but even they will not completely pass all the sensations from rest. If you have visited these places rich in prey at least once, you have tasted the incomparable taste of the soup cooked at the stake from so many caught fish, you will certainly visit them again. Fishing grounds are recognized by experienced fishermen as the best places for outdoor activities. Here is also very popular and rest with the whole family.

Fishing on the Volga

Astrakhan Oblast provides services to pursue their favorite hobbies for those who come here on vacation. After this very pleasant pastime joyful emotions will remain so much that they last for a whole year. Clean water and air, almost untouched by nature, all contribute to rest and concentration on fishing and hunting in these parts. Having rested here, you will bring a fresh stream into the monotony of your everyday activities, forget about your problems and have fun.

In addition to hunting and fishing, you will be able to visit the amazing, blooming lotto fields. You will never forget them when you see them only once. In order to forget about your troubles, you do not need to buy a visa or an expensive tour. The amazing nature, which has been preserved here in its original form, is enough for you with a rest. For tens of kilometers around there is no one, and if you are interested in the history and fascinating past of this region, then there is an opportunity to learn everything about it that interests you.

In Astrakhan, you can relax both with your family and with your colleagues, by organizing an exit to the banks of the Volga in a cohesive team. As the fishermen say - no tail to you, no scales.