That's really a sight that excites blood and makes you suffocate with admiration - falconry . The falconer lets go of the bird, and she shoots up, towards the sun, every second rising higher and higher until at last it becomes a tiny point in the sky $ . After some time swimming on the boundless heights, the falcon starts to decline and suddenly breaks into a swift, lightning-fast peak! The extraction is found, and soon the hunter is either a hare or other small living creatures, which fell to the liking of the fastest hunter on the ground - a falcon . Scientists of the relevant specialization have calculated - some falcons in the attack on the victim develop a speed of about 100 m / с . And what are some of them? With such an enormous speed, a record among birds of prey is planned - a falcon of peregrine falcons .

 Railway flight
 Railway flight
In St. Petersburg at the Sapsan

It is no accident that the name of this bird is named the fastest train of Russia . Created by the genius of German engineers, the high-speed train "Sapsan" is the embodiment of advanced technologies and, we will not be afraid to say, genius decisions . Since 2009 the train runs on the Russian railways . Not for everyone, though, n this is yet . The use of the Sapsan train is so promising that most likely in the near future its rapid run will be seen by residents of many regions of Russia . Today the Sapsan movement can enjoy, we will repeat - for now, - residents of the Leningrad and Moscow regions and the Nizhny Novgorod province . It is exactly between the centers of these regions that this lightning train moves today .

What is the "Peregrine Falcon" from a technical point of view? The train is a collection of the latest technical achievements used in the transport industry .The use of modern materials has made it possible to achieve an ideal aerodynamics, thanks to which the train and got the opportunity to move at a stunning speed - up to 350 km / h .In our country, as opposed to the saying about Russians who like fast driving, the speed of "Sapsan" was limited to .On the Russian railways, it is one hundred less than the passport value and is 250 km / h .Which, however, does not prevent Sapsan from covering giant distances in a relatively short time .Full train from Nizhny to Peter train runs in just nine hours .From Moscow to the northern capital - for three and a half .For comparison, the Radishchevsky journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow in the early 19th century lasted about a week with five changes in horses, overnight stays and so on..Now three hours - and the Muscovite is in St. Petersburg .

And how it turns out! About what "Peregrine Falcon" for a passenger, you can add odes .True, there is no time for this, so we will describe briefly .The "Sapsan" train is ten cars of the highest comfort literally flying over the railroad bed .Each car is equipped with an individual climate system that maintains optimal temperature and humidity values ​​.In the car constantly +22 ° C no matter how much overboard .Comfortable soft armchairs non-irritating blue color is incredibly comfortable .Ergonomics is thought through to the smallest detail .In particular, the train provides a catering car .In traditional trains such a car is called a restaurant .In "Sapsan", in accordance with its status, the car carries the name of a bistro .No time for passengers to sit at tables - just sat down, only ordered a dish, and the train has already arrived, and it's time to go .We say the same - speed!

In conclusion, let's say that a walk on the train "Sapsan" is an unforgettable adventure. Successful to you, and most importantly, fast, kilometers!