Rest in the suburbs - worthy of spending time can be in the domestic health resorts
Rest in the suburbs - worthy of spending time can be in the domestic health resorts
Charming Moscow suburbs
The effectiveness of the work even of the inveterate "workaholic" is greatly reduced, if at least periodically do not take a timeout. These are not unfounded statements, these are the conclusions of leading medical specialists. At least once a year, you need to take a 2-3 week vacation, with benefit to the soul and body to spend the weekend. This is the only way to really protect yourself from stress, the harmful effects of the syndrome of "chronic fatigue," other ailments that are characteristic of our century of great speed and high technology.

At the same time, there is an opinion that it is good to relax, throwing aside all the negative, really only on the untwisted foreign resorts. Is it really? Is it really necessary to leave for a few hundred or even thousands of kilometers from home in order to adequately spend the outstanding days of vacation? In fact, there is no need to make such impressive distances, no. Increasingly, our compatriots (people with very different financial opportunities) are betting on the Moscow region. Do not believe me? In order not to be unfounded, let's take the trouble to point out some advantages of why during working holidays should enter a boarding house located on the territory of the Moscow region.

First, the vacationer is exempted from having to issue a foreign passport to obtain an entry visa (it is a question of tours to the states where these documents are required to cross the border) .There is saving not only temporary but also financial resources .Experienced travelers know what kind of work it is to collect all the necessary documentation .Travel agencies are ready to help their customers only for solid commissions .Going to rest in the health resort of the capital region, you need to take only your internal passport with you - no other documents need to be collected separately..

Secondly, to get to the chosen boarding house really maximum for 3 hours both on a comfortable bus, and on a private car .Men and women who used to be in the airports know: flights (especially distant ones) are not fun of the pleasant ones..Not everyone adequately tolerates staying aboard an airliner, in a number of cases flights are delayed for a long time period (especially often on a "hot" vacation) .After tourists have to "deal" with acclimatization, difficulties with the change of time zones, other troubles .Choosing for a rest near Moscow sanatorium, the difficulties of moving to it can be forgotten, like a nightmare of a dream .

Thirdly, having placed a stake on domestic health resorts, vacationers have a chance not only to hold worthily the outstanding days of freedom, but also to cure .The vast majority of health resorts is focused on the reception of guests in certain ailments of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous endocrine and digestive system..The institutions are equipped with the latest technology, medical treatment for men and women is provided by medical specialists of the highest qualification .Rapid elimination of diseases should also be linked to the fact that sanatoriums are located in zones of ecological well-being, at a considerable distance from production facilities and polluting processing plants .Guests of holiday homes, "lost" in the forest more often, have a unique opportunity to enjoy nature in its pristine form, admiring the picturesque landscapes .

Fourth, vacation in the Moscow region boarding houses does not have a clear seasonal orientation. You can come to local institutions in the all-the-year-round mode - at any time the guests will be able to find a job for themselves. On warm days here all conditions for bathing and active pastime are created, winter is the best time for ski fun. All 12 months here come the inveterate fishermen - near Moscow ponds and rivulets have long been famous for a large number of "living creatures"

The facts presented above convinced you to change your opinion about this holiday? If not, then another "killer" argument leads: after placing a bet on a hotel located in an ecologically clean area of ​​the Moscow region, it became possible to combine work with a full rest: $ $ .Today, even serious entrepreneurs prefer important negotiations to be held not in a noisy office, but in conference halls of health centers located far from a multimillion-dollar megacity - $ .The institutions are equipped with all the required infrastructure, fully suitable for the reception of corporate delegations .All free from workdays, you can spend hours, doing your favorite things .