View of the Red Square in Moscow
The authorities of the Russian capital are confident that hotels in Moscow are not the most expensive in the world, as foreign sources say .The average hotel room here costs about 4, 1 thousand rubles per night (according to Mosgorstat) .The head of the tourism and hotel management committee of the capital, Sergey Shpilko, said: "According to the information of Mosgorstat, which covers 212 hotels in Moscow, in the first half of this year the average cost of the room was 4, 1 thousand rubles .The luxury hotels in the market are more expensive, but they do not do the weather ».He also noted that the ratings of international agencies are strikingly different from those of Mosgorstat, and in them Moscow is placed on the high cost of hotels to one of the first places in the world .

As an example, he cites one of the international rating companies, claiming that the average hotel room in Moscow costs $ 405 per day. S. Shpilko stressed that international booking systems provided data according to which Moscow is on the third place among European capitals by the average cost of rooms in hotels from three to five stars, ahead of Madrid and conceding to Paris and London.

Deputy General Director of Academservice Alexander Kurnosov said that the cost of a tour package for foreign tourists for a week trip to Moscow (without taking into account the flight) averages about € 700 ."Of these, the share of hotel services falls from € 300 to € 350 .Accordingly, within the framework of a weekly trip it is about € 50 per day per person .Foreign tourists often come in the warm season - from May to August, in addition, during this period for tourist groups in hotels offer weekend rates .Try in the season to find a hotel room in the same Rome or Madrid for € 50 per night, "- he stressed .

According to experts of the leading Russian hotel reservation service, the average cost of accommodation in Moscow hotel rooms is also 4 thousand rubles. The data of the Committee for Tourism and Hospitality in Moscow show that the category of 2-3 stars account for 46% of all metropolitan hotels. In 2012, the number of rooms in Moscow increased by 616 rooms due to the opening of four new hotels, another 2, 5 thousand rooms added hotels and boarding houses that are located in the "New $ $ Of Moscow »territories.

Date of publication: 21.09.12