Arkhangelskoe is one of the main pearls of the near suburbs. At least once a summer, almost all Muscovites and guests of the capital make pilgrimage here: to walk along quiet green alleys, enjoy the play of the sun and shade on the calm faces of park sculptures, once again marvel at the scale of Yusupov's plan, which in the 18th century decided to build a family nest is a palace in the style of classicism.

The palace and park ensemble has since remained practically unchanged - today it can be seen in the form that it appeared to its owners immediately after construction. The instigator, as already mentioned, was Prince Nikolai Yusupov, but in all its glory the palace played with his descendants, who gave a completed look to the architectural ensemble as early as the 19th century.

You can buy your own souvenir "from Yusupov" right on the territory of Arkhangelsk, in souvenir shops and kiosks, where porcelain plates with kinds of manor are abundantly presented.


  • 1 A bit of history
  • 2 How to get
  • 3 Climate
  • 4 Opening hours and entry
  • 5 Museum and sights of Arkhangelsk
  • 6 Events
    • 6.1 Pearls of the Moscow region

A bit of history

Before the erection of the magnificent palace and park ensemble, the estate belonged to the princes Golitsyn, even earlier Odoevsky. Arkhangelskoy acquired its present appearance with the participation of famous European and Russian architects - J. Trombard, S. Gern, P. Gonzaga, F. Pethondi, O. Bove and R. Klein.

No less famous names were honored for honoring and staying at the manor .For example, the historian Karamzin, Pushkin and Vyazemsky, writers Herzen and Ogaryov, artists Serov, Benoit, Korovin, as well as musicians Igumnov and the great Stravinsky .They did not refuse an invitation to visit Arkhangelsk and tsarist blood: Alexander I and Nicholas I, Alexander II and Alexander III, as well as Nicholas II .Modern guests of the estate, though not different in blue blood, but can compete in the elegance and sophistication of their manners .This refers to the annual festival "The Jazz Manor", on which the "cream" of Moscow society flock in exquisite outfits and delicate hats in order to listen to intellectual and not very jazz, blues, soul .

October 6, 2010 the museum-estate celebrated its anniversary - 200 years from the date of purchase of the estate by Prince Nikolai Borisovich Yusupov.

Arkhangelsky even has his own ghosts. According to legend, in the cemetery next to the church of Michael the Archangel, the ghost of Yusupov's daughter - Tatyana Nikolaevna - wanders. She died at a fairly young age from tuberculosis, the prince greatly grieved over the girl and buried her with honors, setting on the grave of a marble angel. After the death of Yusupov, the statue, rescued from frost, was transferred to the premises. That, apparently, was not very pleasant for Tatyana Nikolaevna, since eyewitnesses say that from time to time the angel appears over the grave.


How to get

You can get to the Arkhangelskoye estate by buses 549 and 541 from the Tushinskaya metro station. The journey takes 30-40 minutes, depending on the traffic. You can also take a shuttle bus number 151 to the stop "Sanatorium", which will be somewhat faster.

In addition, you can take the train to Pavshino station, from there take bus No. 524 or minibus No. 24 to the stop "Sanatorium".

On your own car you need to go along the Volokolamsk highway to the post of traffic police, then turn off at the sign to Ilyinsky, drive a little more along the Ilyinsky highway through the village of Golievo, turn left, and after a kilometer "rest" in the entrance. Address: Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, Arkhangelskoe settlement.

Tel. fax: 8-498-653-86-60 (management), excursion office: 8-495-363-13-75.


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime -6 -4 + 1 + 10 + 18 + 21 + 23 + 21 + 15 + 8 + 1 -3
night -12 -11 -5 + 1 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 12 + 7 + 2 -3 -8

Opening hours and entry

The museum-estate "Arkhangelskoye" is open all year round, however in the wintertime the garden is closed earlier (besides, one can not enjoy the park sculpture, which will be hidden in wooden boxes). The estate park is open daily from 10:00 to 21:00 (from November to April until 18:00).

Traditionally, the sightseeing tour takes about an hour, in good weather you can easily spend the whole day here. Exhibitions are open every day, except Monday and Tuesday, from 10:30 to 17:00 (in the winter until 16:00); on weekends and holidays from 10 to 18 hours (in the winter until 17:00).

Entrance to the park - 80 rubles, for pensioners, schoolchildren and students - 40, for foreigners - 240. For many preferential categories of visitors, entrance and excursion services are free of charge. The Gonzaga Theater can only be visited as part of the group (on Saturdays and Sundays at 15:00). The ticket office stops working half an hour before the museum closes.

Museum and sights of Arkhangelsk

The central part of the palace and park ensemble is occupied by the Grand Palace (1784-1820-ies) and the park surrounding it, which was modeled after Peterhof and Oranienbaum. Decorated with marble sculptures, the park invites you to stroll along the Pushkin Alley, see the columns in honor of the Emperors Alexander I, Nicholas I and Alexander III, as well as the temple-monument to Catherine II.

Inside the palace is a museum that opened as far back as 1919 .In the exposition - the most valuable collection of paintings with works of the largest Western European artists of the 17-19 centuries .In particular, you can see the works of Van Dyck, Tiepolo, Boucher, Robert and other famous artists .It is worth paying attention to the collection of objects of decorative and applied art: Yusupov porcelain (produced at a plant in Arkhangelsk), sculptures of the 7th century to n .e .The pride of the museum is a manor library with a rich collection of rare books (16,000 thousand volumes of Russian and Western European editions of the 16-19 centuries) .

Homestead Jazz

Continuing the walk through the park, it is worth looking into the small palace "Caprice", where previously there was a living room, a billiard room, a girl's room and a kitchen. Nearby is the Tea House (part of the former library), the Office wing of the 19th century, the romantic Colonnade (a favorite place for filming the newlyweds), the Pavilions "Holy Gates" and "The Storehouse over the ravine."

One of the oldest buildings on the territory of Arkhangelsk is the white-stone church of Michael the Archangel, erected on the site of a wooden church in the 1760s. The Gonzaga Theater deserves special attention in the western part of the manor. Constructed in 1817-1818 by the Italian architect and painter Pietro di Gottardo Gonzaga, he is notable for his unique interior, as well as the curtains and decorations stored here - genuine Gonzaga works that are not found elsewhere in the world.

Finally, it is worthwhile to visit the workshops "Porcelain institution", which were founded by Yusupov in 1818. Tea services and statuettes, painted here, the prince gave his relatives and friends as souvenirs. Needless to say, today they are considered to be a very rare and expensive subject of collecting, and cause a passion not for one connoisseur and lover of porcelain?


In September, the estate hosts a ball in honor of the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812, master classes on dance training are held..At the end of May, the Pushkin festival is celebrated - the defile of ladies and gentlemen in Pushkin costumes, the performances of poets, the interactive excursion "Pushkin and the Arkhangelsk" .In the first weekend of summer - the international festival "Homestead .Jazz ».In addition, every Sunday in Arkhangelsk at 15:00, concerts of jazz and blues performers are organized, and in the Upper and Lower Halls of the Colonnade there are concerts of classical music .

Finally, in Arkhangelsk it is customary to celebrate Pancake week - with merry competitions, a fair, treats, dances and music.

Photo of Arkhangelsk (15)

Temple of Michael the Archangel, Arkhangelskoe Arkhangelsk
Temple of Michael Archangel
Manor Arkhangelskoe, Arkhangelskoe Arkhangelsk
Arkhangelskoe Manor - $
Sculpture of a lion, Arkhangelskoe Arkhangelsk
Lion sculpture