Elena Pestova website

Ask the expert Elena has been engaged in reception of tourists in Karelia for about 10 years and can safely say that her work is a way of life .The company in which Elena works, daily develops a huge number of interesting routes from jeep tours to exclusive programs on ancient boats to the petroglyphs of Cape Besov Nos, and is happy to give the best in Karelia for all .Karelia is, first of all, an extraordinary beauty of nature, because huge areas are practically untouched .But what is surprising, in the middle of forests and untrodden trails, you can find authentic monuments not only of nature, but also built by the hand of a man .

LLC "TC" Art-Travel ", number in the Unified Register of Tour Operators - BHT 010635. Financial security - Closed Joint-Stock Company "Insurance Group" UralSib "(117393, Moscow, Profsoyuznaya str., 56). The amount of financial security: 500 000 (five hundred thousand) rubles.

Company contacts:

  • address: 185035, Petrozavodsk, ul. Antikainen, 10.
  • telephones for communication: 8 (8142) 77-29-00, +7 921 228-19-66.
  • website: www.travelart.ru
  • e-mail: welcome@travelart.ru

ART-TRAVEL provides a full range of tourist services in Karelia:

  • reception of organized groups and development of individual programs
  • organization of rest for schoolchildren and students
  • hotel booking
  • hunting and fishing
  • active leisure (rafting, snowmobile tours, quadrocycle tours, ski trips, rock climbing, etc.)
  • jeep tours
  • Expedition
  • excursion tours in Karelia with a visit to. Kizhi, about. Valaam, Solovki, Ruskeala mountain park, Kivach nature reserve, Marcial Waters.
  • exclusive cruises on old sailboats to the petroglyphs of Cape Besov Nos.

Modern Karelia has not lost its history! On all excursion routes you will visit the most interesting museums, see unique churches, chapels and native Russian houses, get acquainted with the history of the Karelian nationalities.

ART-TRAVEL invites agencies to fruitful cooperation, we are always glad to new friends.

The cost of our programs already includes 10% for our colleagues.

For our partners there is a separate bonus program, we are happy to encourage agencies for early booking.

ART-TRAVEL today is the result of a huge work that our colleagues, tourists and, of course, we can be proud of.

During the journey through Karelia the company ART-TRAVEL always gives small, but pleasant gifts and souvenirs to its guests!

All tourists who have visited Karelia, come back here again. Our company constantly forms new programs and routes, so that tourists would be interested in coming to Karelia every time - new and unknown!

We are ready to please you and your customers with a variety of routes and accommodation options, and, of course, excellent travel arrangements!

Welcome to Karelia!