Kaliningrad is amazing. Here there are utterly Soviet areas, which bring sorrow and despondency. There are typically burgher, though a few shabby quarters, for which it is so nice to walk, remembering the past of the city. There is an unreal marine museum, and miraculously restored Fish Village, and an amazing cathedral with the tomb of the same Kant and, of course, there is a fantastic, beautiful, precious Curonian Spit which is literally a couple of hours drive from the city center. >

Originally there was no single city: there were three completely independent settlements, and the name of Koenigsberg wore a fortress, standing separately on Prussian soil. It was she who gave the name to the united city. July 4, 1946 the Kaliningrad region was formed, and Konigsberg renamed Kaliningrad.

Today Kaliningrad (population of about 425 thousand people) is the largest city and the capital of the Kaliningrad region, an administrative and industrial center.

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Table of Contents

  • 1 Phone Numbers
  • 2 How to get to Kaliningrad
    • 2.1 Search air tickets in Kaliningrad
  • 3 Climate of Kaliningrad
  • 4 Shopping in Kaliningrad
  • 5 Entertainment, excursions and sights of Kaliningrad
    • 5.1 Kaliningrad region

Phone Numbers

Area code: +7 - 4012 - telephone number.

Airport "Khrabrovo": reference - (4012) 459-426, the international sector - 441-336, 459-401

Railway station: reference - (4012) 499-991, international line - 493-184

Bus station: reference - (4012) 443-635, 446-516

Map of Kaliningrad

How to get to Kaliningrad

Daily flights from Vnukovo, Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo, flight time is about two hours. The airport is 13 km from the city (40 minutes).

Regular ferries from St. Petersburg or the ship "Georg Ots" from there - on Thursdays, travel time - about 36 hours.

And also daily trains from Moscow from Belorussky railway station. Time on the road is about 22 hours 30 minutes.

To travel through the Lithuanian territory you need an existing Schengen visa or a simplified travel document by rail (FRTD). Such a document is drawn up directly when you purchase a ticket at the ticket offices and is sent for agreement to the Lithuanian consulate without your participation. The passenger needs only a day before departure to find out by phone whether the refusal of the Lithuanian authorities has been followed. In case of refusal the passenger is obliged to return the full cost of the ticket.

Search air tickets in Kaliningrad

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Climate of Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad March 1, Sunday
+7 ° Happy in the afternoon
+2 ° С at night
° С water
Kaliningrad March 2, Monday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+7 ° Happy in the afternoon
+5 ° С at night
° С water
Kaliningrad March 3, Tuesday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+4 ° C in the afternoon
0 ° C at night
° С water
Kaliningrad weather forecast for 10 days
Average monthly temperature, ° C
янв Feb mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug A seine Oct ноя Dec
afternoon +0 +0 +3 +10 +16 +19 +21 +20 +16 +11 +5 +1
night -5 -5 -1 +2 +7+11 +13 +12 +9 +5 +1 -2
water +7+6 +6 +8 +12 +16 +20 +21 +19 +15 +12 +9

Shopping in Kaliningrad

Firm Kaliningrad souvenirs - amber (various women's jewelry, interior items - lamps, tables, shelves, watches, etc.) and vodka "The Great Embassy".

Kaliningrad gained wide popularity due to preferential taxation of imported second-hand foreign cars. Cars here are imported mainly from Germany. The city has a well-developed network of car markets, the largest and most popular of them is Borisovskiy. There you can not only buy a car, but also make an order if you can not immediately pick up anything suitable.

You can buy amber in one of the following stores: "Yantar" (Leninsky Prospect, 100), "Souvenirs of the Baltic" (Portovaya, 45), "Russian Amber" (Sovetskiy avenue, 12), "Amber casket" (ul B. Khmelnitsky, 21/23).

Book popular Kaliningrad hotels at the best prices

Hotel Oberteich Lux from 3 450 rubles. Kaliningrad Gogolya Street 17 Oberteich Hotel from 2 277 rubles. Kaliningrad Verkhneozernaya Street 11 Heliopark Kaiserhof from 2 520 rubles. Kaliningrad Oktyabrskaya Street 6 A
Kaliningrad Hotel from 1 890 rubles. Kaliningrad Leninsky Prospekt 81 Moskva Hotel from 2 070 rubles. Kaliningrad Prospekt Mira 19 Berlin Hotel from 1 341 rubles. Kaliningrad Kievskaya Street 17B

Entertainment, excursions and sights of Kaliningrad

Cathedral, grave and museum of Immanuel Kant on the island of Kneiphof .Architectural monument of the North German Gothic .Construction of the Cathedral dedicated to St..Adalbert and the Virgin Mary, began in the 14th century on the Kneiphoff skeleton and lasted approximately 50 years .Its founder was Bishop Johannes Clare .Near the walls of the cathedral is buried the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant, his sarcophagus of dark granite is surrounded by 12 columns .In the tower part of the cathedral operates the Cathedral Museum, there is also an Orthodox chapel and a Protestant chapel .Constantly operating expositions: "History of the island of Kneiphof", "Immanuel Kant and Koenigsberg", "Cathedral .Revival from the ruins ».The

Other sights: museums in Kaliningrad ,Kaliningrad Regional Historical and Art Museum ,Kaliningrad Amber Museum ,Sculpture Park Museum ,Museum "Blindage" (the exposition tells about the assault of Koenigsberg) ,museum "Command post of the 43rd Army and temporary control point of the 3rd Byelorussian Front" ,Fort № 5 ,Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War ,Museum of the Lithuanian poet Kristionis Donelaitis ,Kaliningrad Regional Art Gallery ,Museum of the World Ocean ,The Kaliningrad Zoo ,botanical garden The

Types of Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad Regional Philharmonic Society (street B. Khmelnitsky 61A). In 1903, according to the project of the architect F. Heitman, the "Holy Family" church was built. Now in the church there is a concert hall of the Philharmonic with the famous organ, which was established in 1982. It has 44 registers, and sounds produce a total of 3600 pipes.

The cinema-concert complex "Russia" (Victory Square 3). The cinema is equipped with "sound around" technology, modern equipment that allows to conduct any concerts.

Concert Hall "Dawn" (Prospect Mira 43). At the cinema premieres of new films with the participation of movie and theater stars are held. The Concert Hall is equipped with "sound around" technology.

Concert and theatrical complex "House of Arts" (Leninsky Prospect 155). The House of Arts began its activity on January 31, 1997. Until now, the cinema "October" was located here. Now in the complex there are theatrical performances, symphony concerts, ballet. Photo of Kaliningrad (122)