Everyone knows that the most pleasant and useful holiday is a rest with the mind. Rest on the sea is not an exception, therefore this article is intended to tell about all possible troubles and delays that may spoil the holiday that has not started to be completed.

 Krasnodar region: rest with the mind
 Krasnodar region: rest with a mind
Types of the Krasnodar Territory

It is not recommended to go anywhere in case of an exacerbation of any disease, especially if it is an infectious disease. Due to the peculiarities of the climate of the Krasnodar Territory, which requires some adaptation period, it is not recommended to bring children under the age of four, as the adaptation mechanisms have not yet been formed.

Rental housing . If there are no problems described above, you can safely collect things and enjoy the upcoming vacation . If you did not book a room in the hotel in advance, but want to rent a room in the guest house, then you should listen to the following tips . Upon arrival in the city of your choice Krasnodar edge walk in its environs, even if it takes you more than one hour . Things (if there are too many of them) can be left in the storage room . This "tour" around the city will give you the opportunity to find out the prices for housing , compare them and choose the most suitable option for you . So you can avoid overpayment for housing . Direct conversation and a direct contract with the owners of the guest house will save your money

±​​$ br > Registration on vacation

Next, you should know that in the territory of the Krasnodar Territory with all ra the internally developed resorts practice the so-called "closed registration" .This means that tourists coming here who intend to stay here more than three days are required to register at the place of temporary residence .It is necessary to have a passport or identity identification certificate with you..This applies mainly to those tourists who decided to rent an apartment, a room or a house, as well as those who came to the resort on their own transport and intend to rest in tents .In this case, they should appear at the passport office or at the check-in point for the visitors . Everything is much simpler for those who got a ticket to rest in the Krasnodar Territory. The boarding house administration is obliged to register you.

How to get to Krasnodar Territory

In order to travel to one of the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory took place, you must buy tickets in advance .The train still remains one of the most popular modes of transport among the population and tickets for it are bought up at least for a month .Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Adler, Sochi, Lazorevskoye - all these resort towns are easily accessible by train that will take you directly to your destination .If the destination of your destination is Anapa, Taman, Gelendzhik or the nearest villages and villages (such as Sukko, Dzhemete, Su-Psekh, Vityazevo and others .), it is better to get to Novorossiysk (Tunnelnaya station), from where special transport runs .In the summer, however, there are trains directly to Anapa . It is worth considering that during the period from the end of August to mid-September (velvet season) tickets are the hardest to buy.

Many tourists prefer to travel by own transport. Here is the advice: if you are driving your own car, then in order to avoid customs, you should choose a road that would not go beyond the limits of the Russian Federation.