Miracle first . Oymyakon in translation from Old Yakutian means "ferocious frost" and fully justifies its name . Absolute temperature minimum, which was here fixed, -71, 2 . The usual winter temperature -60 -70 degrees below zero . The duration of a winter day - about three hours . From the cold, sorry for the expression, the spittle turns into an icicle, alcohol - into the ice, and the face even with the slightest blow of the wind turns white . You do not recognize your voice at all - it becomes as if not yours at all - booming, hardened th and remote . Thus, being in Oymyakon any tourist suddenly, from nowhere, there is a frost resistance . So choosing tours on New Year's here, you can not worry about your own health .

Miracle the second. Even in the most severe frosts, at seventy degrees below zero, the water in the Indigirka River, on the bank of which Oimyakon is located, does not freeze and is only covered with a thin crust of ice in some places. From the shore you can see how the fish play in the water. Local people catch fish and freeze it right by the shore in the snow. So, any tourist can try the taste of a very real stroganina.

 New Year in Oymyakon.jpeg  Miracles of Oymyakonya
New Year in Oymyakon

Wonder the third. The route that connected Magadan and Yakutia - "Road on the bones". Today it looks modern, because in 2008 its construction was finally completed. And 75 years ago, when everything was just beginning, the mood was not so rosy. The construction of the road was started by the prisoners of the Gulag by hand. In different years over 16 million people worked on its creation, many fates here collapsed, that's why they called it "The road on the bones."

A miracle is the fourth. In Oymyakon, as, perhaps, in any ethno settlement, which can be visited by choosing tours around Russia, there are many legends and myths. One of them suggests that every visiting visitor, I mean a tourist, should appease the shaman trees - the perfume of the road. And leave, for example, at the foot of a candy, a trifle or something else. Then, as they believe, the local people will be fine.

Miracle the fifth. Rite Algys. It is a rite of blessing and purification. To the shamans who conduct this rite, both local residents and visitors come to address. For tourists there is even a special program, suggesting a campaign for the rite Algys. For the ritual, fire is used, which here is considered a symbol of the expulsion of evil spirits. With its help, dry branches are set on fire and they are circumambulated around the guest and the house where he is. Next guests are treated to a sacred Yakut drink - kumys and bless in a good way.

Miracle of the sixth .Yakut horses .Perhaps their main mystery is how they manage to graze outdoors all year round and feed on only the fodder .And at the same time feel great even in the coldest weather..More such a "trick" is not possible to make a single horse .Externally, Yakut horses are more like bears, with thick wool and a mane length of .The Yakuts consider the horse to be a sacred creature and believe that the god first created a horse and then a man .For tourists, special horse riding trips are organized .If desired, if the tourist has experience in this matter, he can take up the reins himself .