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The museum-estate of Ostafyevo, acquired in 1792 from the lieutenant Zhuravlev by Prince Andrei Ivanovich Vyazemsky in honor of the birth of Peter's son, the future poet and literary critic, is located in the Podolsky district of the Moscow region. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, the estate belonged to the Vyazemsky family, and at the end of the 19th century moved to the relatives of Viazemsky Sheremetyev, so the last owner of the estate was Count Sergey Dmitrievich Sheremetev.

May 26, 1899, a year after the acquisition of the estate by Prince Sergey Dmitrievich, Ostafyevo was first opened to the public.

How to get

By train from the Kursk railway station or by shuttle bus number 422 from the metro station "Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard" to the station "Shcherbinka", then by bus number 1045 to the stop "Museum Ostafyevo."

By car along the Warsaw highway to the town of Shcherbinka, then follow the signs. From Podolsk by bus no. 1045 to the stop "Museum Ostafyevo", or by car along Lenin Avenue, before turning to Podolskaya Street by the sign "Museum-Estate" Ostafievo. "

Operating mode and cost

The museum is open daily from 10:00 to 17:00, Fridays to 16:00, on Thursdays - from 12:00 to 20:00. The Manor Park is open from 08:00 to 22:00 during the period from April to September and from 08:00 to 20:00 - from October to March.

At the present time for visitors permanent exhibitions "Usadba Ostafievo: history and destiny" and "300 years of medals in Russia" are open, temporary exhibitions are organized, exhibitions and parks are guided .The cost of tickets for a permanent exhibition is 80 rubles ., to the exhibition - 40 rubles .Tour of the manor in the group of up to 7 people will cost 250 rubles .per person, group excursion to the "Cabinet of the medal" - at 1600 rubles .(only by appointment) .Visiting the park is free of charge except on Saturday, when the entrance fee is 100 rubles .Prices are as of September 2012 .

Museum and attractions of Ostafyevo

The central place in Ostafievo is occupied by a two-story manor house crowned by a belvedere, built in the style of Russian classicism and located on the shore of an ancient lake..The lower floor of the house once occupied the front rooms, the upper floor - living quarters .In his time in the ceremonial rooms of Ostafyevo there were Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, Alexander Ivanovich Turgenev, Alexander Pushkin, Konstantin Batyushkov, Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol and other writers, in memory of whom in 1911, 1913 and 1914 in the Sheremetevs Manor Park established monuments .

In addition to the main house itself, the architectural ensemble of the manor included greenhouses, people's quarters, a brick factory, wooden barns and sheds, greenhouses, greenhouses, 2 bridges, including a dam bridge across the Lyubuchu River, now largely lost. ±​​$ The

The main staircase of the manor led into the vestibule, turned by Prince Pavel Petrovich Vyazemsky into an art gallery with works of art from the 15th to 16th centuries. From the lobby, guests were taken to the oval hall - one of the most beautiful visits to the manor house. On either side of the hall were a large dining room (on the left) and Pavel Petrovich's library (on the left), connected with the office and library of Andrei Ivanovich Vyazemsky.

To the right of the lobby was the office and library of Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky, numbering 5 thousand volumes, to the left - a large living room. A small living room adjoined the large living room, which was the boudoir of Vera Fedorovna Vyazemskaya. The small living room, in turn, led to the front bedroom, located in the corner room.

On the second floor of the manor house was the Karamzin room, in which from 1804 to 1816 Nikolai Mikhailovich Karmazin wrote 8 volumes of his "History of the Russian State". In addition to Karamzinskaya on the second floor were the rooms of Andrei Ivanovich and Maria Arkadievna Vyazemsky, "imaginative" and other "museum" rooms.

Manor church, Ostafyevo, Moscow region Ostaf'evo
Manor church, Ostaf'evo
Park, Ostafievo, Moscow region Ostaf'evo
Park, Ostafiovo
Western wing, Ostafievo, Moscow region Ostaf'evo
Western wing, Ostafievo
Monument to Pushkin, Ostafyevo, Moscow region Ostaf'evo
Monument to Pushkin, Ostafyevo
Most, Ostafievo, Moscow region Ostaf'evo
Most, Ostafievo

Reviews about Ostafyevo (1)

Estimate 8

Ostafyevo - manor culture 05 November 2013

was here in March 2012
Despite its modest nature, Ostafyevo is one of the few places that can be considered the standard of Russian manor culture ... We are here quite often and every time we get to the same place - all the buildings are in place, nothing new is being built, the old one is being restored.

At the mention of the Russian manor, in the memory of even the most unromantic person, a characteristic image will inevitably emerge: patterned forged gates, a linden alley leading to the main entrance, a two-story manor house and connected with ... Read the whole review
Ostaf'evo Ostaf'evo Ostaf'evo Ostaf'evo